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 Warzone Roleplay (12/11/06)

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Nathan Hellsing

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Warzone Roleplay (12/11/06) Empty
PostSubject: Warzone Roleplay (12/11/06)   Warzone Roleplay (12/11/06) EmptyDecember 10th 2006, 3:50 am

Date: 12/11/06
Show: JWF Warzone
Opponent: Tony Tenor
Stipulation: Non-Title.

(The camera opens in a gym. The gym is small, dirty, and appears to be in quite an old building. About ten or fifteen guys are in the gym, working out in various ways - wrestling, lifting, boxing, etc. The camera pulls around to a punching bag. A man wearing sweatpants, and a hoodie with the sleeves cutoff is punching away with numerous combos of jabs and hooks. The camera pans around to the otherside of the bag, allowing us to see inside the hood. The man is none other than Nathan Hellsing. He stops punching and puts his hood down. He then smirks and begins to speak as he walks over to a bench and grabs a towel.)

Nathan Hellsing
"So... Tony Tenor wants to fight the Incredible One? The Shock Masta? The King of Brutality? Well all I have to say is bring it the fuck on because I back down from nobody. You see, Tony thinks he's hardcore. I chuckle at this. You see, back in the days of WWA, I'd been through more hell in 4 weeks than you've ever been in in your entire career. When I feuded with "The Violent One" John Vallance, that's when i truely became hardcore. He was, as his nickname states, "The Violent One." He's the founder of Kendo X and he also gave me one of, if not THE greatest fight in my entire life in a mere ladder match."

(He drinks from a bottle of water.)

Nathan Hellsing
"Now... I know what you're thinking. To the "pro" hardcore wrestlers, a ladder match is child's play. But when you put the Shock Masta and The Violent One together, shocking and brutal things happen. And John Vallance, I know you're retired now, thanks to me, but I repsect you man. Now... enough with the past. Back to present time. Tony Tenor..."

(He stands up and air boxes, while lightly jumping back and forth on his heels, much like a boxer.)

Nathan Hellsing
"Tony... whether you want to admit it or not, you're nothing. I haven't faced you yet, but I've seen the tapes... you're nothing. You have no athletic skill. You're simply... to quote the legendary Ric Flair, a glorified stunt junkie. You cannot wrestle without weapons. And that my friend, if where you and I differ. I am the total package. I have it all. Which is why on Monday night... while you're looking for a flourescent light bulb, I will kick your ass and win this matchup - all out of pure skill."

(He walks over to the ring, and gets in. Three other men enter the ring and stands beside him.)

Nathan Hellsing
"I'd like to introduce you to my team for GangWars. Firstly: one of the most vicious hardcore shoot fighters in the business. A man who hasn't wrestled on television for over 2 years... BloodBringer."

(The camera shows a man with short, blonde colored hair. He is dressed in red tights that stretch half way down his thighs, black boots, and taped fists.)

Nathan Hellsing
"Nextly... a young rookie with a lot of skill. Jay Leanardo."

(The camera show a young man with spikey brown hair dressed in basketball shorts and a black t-shirt.)

Nathan Hellsing
"And finally.... a very good friend of mine. "The New Era" Dale Adams. A technical specialist and a deadly brawler."

(The camera shows the third man. He has medium length brown-blonde hair, five o clock shadow. He is wearing shorts that fall a few inches past the knee.)

Nathan Hellsing
"This is a warning for not only this coming Monday night, but also for Gang Wars on December 31st... stay out of our way because if you don't, you will get hurt."

(The camera fades...)
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