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 And Still US champion!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

And Still US champion! Empty
PostSubject: And Still US champion!   And Still US champion! EmptyDecember 15th 2006, 2:47 pm

[I knew at first, when I began to narrate Mr. Stylez's thoughts for the public, that he wasn't like most of the wrestlers sitting in the back. I felt he was, in fact, far different than anything I had ever observed before. His mind's wave lengths were at points far from the apparent norm. Mr. Stylez was a specimen I had yet to encounter. He was some sort of rare breed. An abnormality of sorts.]

[He had heard the three count before sitting up. His mind a foggy haze, and twisting and turning the images before his eyes. He had been looking to be handed his Undisputed us title, but now has to fight for it. He deserved to be, but he wasn't. Fucking politics was his last thought before his mind cleared, and erased any image from the past hour.]

[He was flirting with the brink of insanity, rage calloused on his brain. He figured if he stood upon the edge for long enough, his brain would begin to believe his erratic thoughts. He would believe that he was Undisputed champion, and that he couldn't be stopped.]

[I can't vouch for Johnny, but had you seen him lately, you'd understand my opinion. Letting himself go a tad bit was an understatement. He spoke in broken sentences, and his behavior was off the charts. But as I knew, this was Stylez in his worst. He was portraying every broken memory in his brain. Living through his past mistakes. He had been leaps and bounds ahead, before he ended up broken like never before.]

[But, there is still credit to be given. He has yet to give up on himself. He may sit shattered, still trying to locate the missing pieces, but there still burns a fire within. A monster unleashed, and caution thrown to the wind; sits a man like no other. Adversity has damaged his entire demeanor, and has put him with his back against the wall. I can see his pain, and his struggle; yet there is still to be any sort of guidance through the dark corridors of his brain.
He ended his last session with a comment, one that truly made me think about his mind's state.]

"To be only one man against the world, has left me without a conscious, nor any sort of regret. What shall be done is no longer in my hands. Pardon's are for the weak."

[I will end this taping, allowing you to ponder his words. Fear is not a word any longer, it's his fuel to the fire.]


[His hands burned, the rust eating away at the soft flesh. Blood trickled from the circular wounds, drying within each passing hour, leaving trails of red along his arms. His feet revealed the same consequence, the rusty nails driven straight through the tops of both feet, leaving his legs crossed for eternity.]

[He hadn't been destined for this, he was positive. Like an actor who's perfected his craft; He had seen his script and had read threw it. There had been no ace in the hole on paper. Tough shit he had thought. Surrounded by gold, jewels, and beautiful women, he had sat among the finest of all kingdoms. A leader, a friend, yet still more than any sort of wording could describe.]

[The towns people had needed an excuse for this. They had lead him to believe he was doing thing's perfectly. They praised him, as if the second coming of Christ. Yet he hadn't awoken from the dead, nor had he healed any sort of physical ailment. He had ruled his kingdom with an iron fist, and with fear. But at the end of the day, he kept his people safe, and free from any sort of outside interference. He had ruled his kingdom in the finest of fashions. Hard love was his crime.]

[The sun poured it's rays upon his shriveled body, almost laughing at him as his skin burned. He hadn't asked for leniency, or any sort of compassion. He was too strong and proud to ever let himself look weak in the eyes of his peers. But deep down, there were those fears, pushed to the lining of his stomach, far hidden from any sort of his twisted imagination.]

::Lord, I don't shy away from your punishments. Nor do I ask you for forgiveness. It such a twisted manner, you were able to take everything from me, leaving me as this rotting carcass, of a man who was once believed in his god-like status. You've played your game, and burned any bridge I've crossed. For this, I respect you. But at the same time, I do, and always will loathe you. For someday, I will again sit on top of a mighty kingdom, the pinnacle of any god before me.::

[He didn't believe in the Christian God; or Buddha, or even Zeus. But he knew there was someone far above, pulling the strings of humanity in to a dance; filled with love, compassion, and peace. But he also knew he stood for everything else beneath the sun. He was the hatred, and evil that stole so many souls time and time again.]

[His body no longer ached, with his brain shutting off all feeling. He was to lay his back upon those large pieces of wood, living in his doubts and confidences. He would have rather felt the pain, giving him something else to focus on; but it was all just another ploy in the great game. He'd laugh if he could, but there'd be no one to hear him. He had spoken to whomever stood above, but he hadn't expected an answer. He knew his words were falling on deaf ears at this point, and it would only be time before his brain no longer registered any sort of thought. For this, he could find peace. He'd always come back, surely no doubts about it.]

[As Stylez laid nailed to the cross, his head bowing down, exposing the ripped flesh from the crown of thorns, he managed to raise his head to look in to the bright, warm day before falling in to a state of unconsciousness.]

[As his head remained to lean forward, a woman approached. She was not the Virgin Mary, dressed in entirely white, looking to save her son on the cross. No, this was something far more uncomprehendable. This woman wore a black robe, her blonde hair flowing freely from the hood resting atop her head. She seemed to float more than walk, making her presence even more uncomfortable. She stood in front of the large cross, her head still down, yet still inhaling the twisted thoughts running throughout Stylez's head.]

"I can feel your passion for revenge. It's as cold as ice, and even more heartless than I could ever imagine."

She had said, her voice almost calming in Stylez's head. The funny thing was that she never actually spoke. She put her thoughts in to his mind, and extracted them in the same manner. Her presence demanded respect, and it wasn't often she didn't get it, I'm sure.]

::You know nothing about me. Be gone, I shall not be seen in this state.::

[his mind to weary to even begin to ponder this current situation. But he still knew that he hadn't wanted to be visited, nor even thought about. He was dead to the world in this form, only meaning his next trip to society would be of far greater relevance. But her idea of revenge is what rose him from his painful demise.]

"I can feel your soul Stylez. I know it's weight sits upon your shoulders. You were wronged, I agree, even as though no one else does. But I can give you your survival. I can bring you to places you only imagine. I've seen your dreams, as far off as they are, I can make it a reality. But I need your assistance in return. A favor for a favor. What say you, KING Stylez?"

[He thought long and hard, pondering this choice set forth before him. He hadn't even been the guy to take someone else's word. Maybe that's why he sat in this present position of weakness; maybe not. He was the type of guy to sit in church, when everyone else stood. He'd speed up in front of an ambulance, while everyone else pulled to the side. He wasn’t good, in any meaning of the word.]

::What can you ever offer me, to actually make me believe you? I've had it all, and done it all. You can't coax me in to something because of my current position. I've taken the heads off those far stronger than you, darling.::

"I can give you immortality. I can give you back your kingdom, and all the respect you desire. I can fulfill your greed Stylez, more than you could ever fathom. Give you back the stock you were at before the irish man in a sjirt took it away!"

[He opened his eyes to the whisper of immortality. He had dreamt of living forever, but had never taken it too seriously. He knew he would live different lives, his soul traveling from each body to body, but he never had thought of forever being Stylez. His mind opened more, as he struggled to channel his thoughts and ideas in to a fluent brain storm. This was to be the death of old, and beginning of new. This was to be the coming of the anti-Christ. In his mind, there was but one thought.]

::I will not be JWF'S sacrifice any longer.::

::I can't be stopped. There will never be something else like me. I am the greatest champion to ever grace a JWF lockeroom...Hell anyone can win a title 55 times, but it takes a special man to never lose it!::

::What makes you five fucking chumps think you stand a chance?::

::There sits a fine line between people like myself and the other fuckers in this match, and There is a boundary that you folks will never make it over; a great wall keeping the wannabe's from the main draw's. What in the hell would ever make you think you could top my swagger? Have you not watched me over the past few months? I've beaten a hall of famer to get this title, I was tossed off a fucking bridge to get this title, I've been through hell and back just to keep this title, something I can honestly say you folks can't compare to doing for any title nevermind mine.::

::You'll are army brats and Im the motherfucking sargent!::

::Joe Mama and VIP are nothing more then JWF's very own poser's hell you two fit perfectly with the Invasion cats Im bout to wash out! You folks have been hacking up that mid card, dropping matches to everyone I've walked over. You sit there and tell yoursevles you can beat me when In the last three times we faced off, I always came out on top!::

::History will repeat it's self...::

::You cats outta be shitting your self, go over my track record...I lost to beast and then went on a 7 match win streak...I lost to a fluke poser last monday...and haven't lost since! Im fucking untouchable! Check out this flow, and teach yourself the basics again. Joe Mama Your game's been slacking, and your old ladies tits look liike there beggining to drag! Just like your game!::

::By the time Sunday is over, I will have pinned you for yet another win, and all that shit slipping from between those cocksuckers on your face, will be as meaningless as your career.::

::Fuck outta here, Bunch of deadbeats.::

::Oh, fuck yeah, your folks are better off trying to steal some of my quotes, bosses, But of corse to do that, you would have to win this here title...Looks like you all shit out of luck!::

::slap on a Legendary Status to my record, cuz like me this title is untouchable!::

::God damn, I can taste it already. I can feel every muscle tightening up, knowing I'm about to smack the shit outta five hoes. There has never been a more deserving time than this. NXO and I already walked over our toughest challenge in this here federation, and that looked far tougher than it actually was.::

::There is a reason why me and NXO are here, and there is a reason why we'll be surviving after The End. Check it out, read the bible, and put it all together. Our destiny was written a long time ago. I'm back on the throne, and ruling all that is mine.::

::Dam I aint never looked sooooooooooooooooooooooo good!::

--End Feed---
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