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 Undoing the Darkness

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

Undoing the Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Undoing the Darkness   Undoing the Darkness EmptyDecember 25th 2006, 8:26 am

The camera flickers on to show the familiar graveyard that holds the Crimson Dynasty. The moon shines pale upon the graves making shadows dance among them. The camera focuses on a body lying upon the ground. A pool of blood has formed around the upper portion of the body. The camera zooms in on the face of the body to show the carved upside down cross that has been embedded within its flesh. It is automatically seen that the body is that of Father Odarian, the priest that ordained the wedding of Crimson Skull and Tamera.

He looks beaten and worn, with scratches and bruises all over him. His clothes have been ripped and covered with grime and blood, which is most likely his own. His hair is messed and his eyes are closing. Sweat drips from his forehead falling to the ground, mixing with the blood. Tears have stained his cheeks and dried blood clings to the corner of his mouth. In almost an inaudible, weak and trembling voice he begs for help from the savior.

“For God’s sake, send somebody, something, some kind of Angel to save me.”

Just as this is said a brilliant burst of light is shined upon him. With what is left of his energy, Father Odarian looks up to see a being standing within the light. He is but a silhouette and you can not make out any distinctive features. A slight smile crosses Odarian’s face and tears fall from his eyes. He begins to pass out from the trauma he has suffered, but with his last breathe spews forth his thanks to the savior.

“Thank you, God.”

Odarian’s head falls hard upon the ground and he lies motionless. The silhouette steps forward out of the light to reveal his long shimmering white/black hair covering his face. You see the large cross tattoo glowing within the light and the scars that line the right side of his face. His left eye glows just as bright as the light. Kaos looks upon the body of Odarian, with a look of utter sorrow. He shakes his head at the sight he is seeing and tears fall from his eyes.

He walks over to Odarian and falls to his knees beside him. Kaos turns him over onto his back. The light shows the full extent of the damages done to him. The large scratches deep within his chest and the two puncture wounds upon his neck. Kaos runs his hands over the wounds and flinches. He then looks into Father Odarian’s face, his eyes fixating on the upside down cross. Kaos’s brow furrows and concern flashes on his face. He shakes his head once more and in a gentle tone speaks.

“What horrors have they bestowed upon you, Father? You do not deserve this. You are a man of the light and they have turned you into this lifeless corpse that lies before me. I am sorry for all that you have suffered. I vow to make them see the light. I vow to make them realize the errors of their ways. No man or dynasty can stand before the light. Darkness will not survive when the light shines down, only the shadows will prevail.”

Kaos continues to look upon Odarian and sighs. He places his hands over him and begins to say a silent prayer. Within moments the light is flowing from his hands over the corpse of Odarian. The camera panes around Kaos and when Odarian is seen again all of the damages that had been dealt to him are healed. The scratches are gone and the bruises are no where to be seen. The puncture marks are but a figment of the past and the upside down cross has been turned right side up. It burns with the same intensity as the light, before dissipating from Odarian’s head altogether.

Kaos lets his hands drop to his side and the entire area goes black. Kaos seems as though his energy has been drained from him, yet a smile has twisted its way upon his face. Suddenly, groans are heard coming form Odarian, who seems to be awakening. He twists and jerks slightly before turning his head to look upon Kaos. Upon seeing him Odarian sits up and pushes himself away frightened. Kaos puts his hand on Odarian’s shoulder and looks into his eyes.

“Father do not fear me, for I am the one that has saved you from the torments you have been dealt while within the grasp of the darkness. I am no foe of you, a man of the light. I am the one that enforces the light. I am the Shadow Walker.”

Kaos stops and looks into Odarian’s face, which seems puzzled. He looks at Kaos and speaks in a voice that is a mixture of confusion and slight amazement.

“You are the one that God sent. You are the angel of the light, how can this be? I have faith, but how can this be?”

Kaos looks at the ground and chuckles to himself before looking up and answering Odarian.

“Father, have you bare witness to a depth of Hell over the past few days in your life? Have you not laid eyes upon the Devil and his minions? How can you look upon me and not have the eyes to see I am of the light? I am not a God send, for I am much to tainted, but I am the one that shall make this world a better image of what it should be.”

Odarian places his head in his hands and begins to sob silently. Kaos leans forward and hugs him, rubbing his head smoothly. Kaos begins to soothe Odarian and they stay like this for a brief moment before Kaos holds Odarian by the shoulders out in front of him. With his left eye glowing brightly Kaos speaks.

“Father, go forth and tell the other brethren that the time grows nil. Tell them of what you have witnessed. Tell them that the battle for all mankind will commence shortly. Armageddon comes swift like a plague over the world. Tell everyone to be ready, for the day cometh where judgement shall be made. You must go quickly!”

Odarian looks as though he knows not what to do or say and begins to speak in broken sentences.

“I don’t……..but how………what is happening? I am so…….”

Kaos stops him, moving his lips to say “Go” silently. Odarian looks into the eyes of Kaos once more and raises his hand to touch the scarred side of Kaos’s face. Kaos flinches and jerks away from Odarian’s touch. Odarian jumps to his feet and flees from the area. Kaos slowly rises from his crouching position and dusts his pants off. He looks in the direction of the Mortuary that holds the Crimson Dynasty. He smiles and pushes his hair out of his face and continues to stare. Under his breathe he begins to speak.

“So Skull it has come to this. I attempting to save your soul, when all you did for me was to condemn mine. I know not that this is the right thing to do, but I do know that it is what I am destined to do. I will not allow this undertaking that you have created to continue. Your dynasty, as you call it, shall fall just like all of the others that have laced the pages of history texts. You are no match for the light. You, Barelai, and the newest member Hallow Wicked, will all be blinded and finally witness what needs to be seen to show you the light, while Tamera and Marie will fall away from your horrid trance that you have on them. It is time for this game of yours to end. It is time for this chapter of the book of life to finish and another begin, one that is brighter. I bid you ado, my friend. I bid you ado.”

Kaos stares up into the sky, to see the stars sparkling like diamonds and the moon hanging like a painting. Kaos smiles and looks back at the Mortuary. He raises his left hand, opened with the palm facing the Mortuary. A burst of light floods the area and strikes the Mortuary. The light blinds the camera and when it comes back on Kaos is nowhere to be seen. The camera scans the graveyard and slowly comes upon the Mortuary. The light has stained the Mortuary with glowing writing that says “Insisto lux lucis , meus amicitia , pro is est solus via*.” As the camera stays fixated on the Mortuary the door of it begins to open and the camera goes to black.

*Follow the light, my friends, for it is the only way.
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