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 In The Darkness A Light Is Born

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

In The Darkness A Light Is Born Empty
PostSubject: In The Darkness A Light Is Born   In The Darkness A Light Is Born EmptyDecember 18th 2006, 9:42 pm

A camera flickers on to show the Gregory Hills Sanitarium. The snow that lay upon it has slowly begun to melt, leaving behind clumps of a dirt/snow mixture. As the camera nears the door you see that it has been boarded up from the outside. The camera looks around and you see an open window near the door, which the camera goes through. As the camera turns to view the door from the inside you see it has been boarded from the inside as well. The camera turns towards the room of Kaos, but no light is coming from the room. The camera makes its way to the room and as it gets closer you hear low sobbing. As the camera pushes through the door you see Kaos sitting in the corner of the room, shown only by a small sliver of light coming from the moon outside.

His body is covered in white wrap, which blood has soaked through and he has his face in his hands. You see his back rising with each gasp for air he takes, as he is crying. He raises his head up to show bloodshot eyes. He looks into the camera and in a raspy voice begins to speak.

“I don’t know where I went wrong. It seems as though life has been on fast-forward, while I was stuck on pause. I no longer have any idea where I am or who I am. I see that Skull has begun a dynasty and I no longer have a partner to face the world with. I have lost everything. I am so alone to fight off everything that is going to be thrown in my face, and I grow tired of this.”

Kaos lies his head back against the wall and continues to cry. For the first time he looks defenseless, as if he was nothing more than a child who was lost. He glances up at the moon and the tears reflect off of the mask. The moon seems to shine brighter than it ever has. While looking into it Kaos whispers something under his breath. He turns his head back towards the camera and says it louder.

“I am sorry for everything I have done in my pathetic life. I am sorry to Jacob and Ryan, who now are in the hands of the beast. I couldn’t save them then or now. I am sorry to all those that have lost their lives to my hands. I am sorry to everyone. I AM SORRY!”

Suddenly, the white light from before appears and floods the room with its glow. Kaos puts his hands in front of his face to block out some of the light. A figure seems to coming closer out of the light, but all you can make out is the silhouette. It stops before coming visible and begins to speak to Kaos.

“I am Azrael. I am the Angel of Death, Server of the Light and He which is King of the Light. He sees that you are in pain my brother. He knows that you suffer and so He has sent me to help ease the troubles you have. He has watched over the months to see you take your own life as well as others, while committing other wicked sins. He does not condone this, but he sees that through you the evil that plagues the world shall become less. You may never enter the kingdom of Heaven, for you soul is too tainted, but you will never enter Hell to be tormented for eternity. You will live within the bounds of both. Do you understand so far what I have told you?”

Kaos stares at the silhouette and nods his head. The silhouette nods his head in agreement and continues.

“He has watched the peace and harmony of the earth come undone. He has seen what is holy become something far different. He does not like the direction of the World and its people. With my help you can bring the World back to its rightful place and create it as He had intended it to be. You will be part of the light, but only part. You will still have a hand in darkness, for your soul was granted to the dark. You will become a Prince of the Light, but still hide in the shadows. Do you wish to take His offer? It shall be offered only this time and no more. It is your choice my brother. Choose wisely for your soul and the souls of billions depend upon you.”

The silhouette stops talking and stands. You can feel he is watching Kaos, who has his eyes fixed upon the silhouette and the light. He looks down at the bloody bandages and the scars upon his body. He moves his finger slowly over the mask and through his tangled hair. He glances around the illuminated room to see the broken home he has known for many years and turns back towards the silhouette and nods his head.

The silhouette throws his arms back and expands large Angelic wings. The light becomes brighter and flows over Kaos. Suddenly, the room is blinded by the light and the camera goes into static. When the feed is returned you see Kaos floating above the floor. As he turns to allow the camera to fully view his body, you see the bandages are no longer upon him. The right side of his body seems to have no change within it. The mask still is on his face and the scars are shown all over him. His pants are still black, with the gothic buckles. However, the left side of his body has gone under a transformation. The mask is not on this side of his face, which is without imperfection. His hair on the left side is white, not the black that covers the other side of his head. No scars are visible upon him, but you do see a large red cross that goes from the let side of his chest, down to the bottom of his stomach. His pants are white on this side, but still have the gothic buckles on them.

Wings sprout from his back. On the left it is the large Angelic wing that was seen before. It is beautiful, with every feather seeming to be in the right place. On the right side is a wing that is tattered and charred, with the feathers falling from it.

A voice begins to speak, through the dimmed light to Kaos.

“My child, you are now a part of Heaven and Hell. You have the power to make the changes. You have the power to destroy evil, as well as good. You know yours task. You know what you are now destined to do. Take the world and show them the true power that you now possess. Your life and choices are in your own hands. Follow the path of the shadow. I love you, my child.”

The voice slowly goes quite and Kaos falls to the floor on his feet. The wings have disappeared, but the rest of his appearance has stayed the same. He looks down at his hands and brings them to his face. Running his hands over his face and through his hair a smile is seen to come across his face. A tear falls from his right eye and comes down the mask. He says nothing, but throws his arms out and screams. Light floods the room and the camera goes into static.

When it comes back on you see the outside of the Gregory Hills Sanitarium. The light is pouring from every opening and crack of the building. You hear the screaming continue, but it grows quite, with the light still shining. You hear Kaos speak. His voice seeming to be gentler and filled with less anguish.

“I am the Shadow Walker. I am the new Angel of Death. I know what I must do.”

The light diminishes and the camera goes to black.
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