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 DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl

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2 posters
Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 194
Registration date : 2006-12-31

Wrestler Info
Record: 78 - 38
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 12:20 am

The scene opens up at TEWF the home of the Total Extreame Wrestling Federation , and DXLatin "Da Meanig Of Thuganomics" is in the building

Latin - Earlier tonight , I challenged Jo Santiago to a Parking Lot Brawl , I Have Neevr Been Defeated in this match! , In TEWF i have ruined careers by smashin people onto cars and spearing them through car windows , Ever since that time , I have been The Thug! , Da Meanin Of Thuganmoics

Scenes show King Hardcore gettin smashed onto a Car window by Latin
Scenes show Josh Matthews getting beat down in the Parking Lot by Latin
Scenes show Chain and Killer getting a double chokeslam onto a car roof by Latin
Scenes show Bad Blood getting attacked in the parking lot by Latin
Scenes show Johnny Rocketfingers getting jumped in the parking lot by Latin

Latin - The list goes on and on Joe , And now , Androids your pimp while joe...your the hoe , Santiago you I hit you with the DXXD today in Gang Wars and now your gonna get hit by the DXXD again , in the Parking Lot , and you will be the first superstar in Thuganomic History to get hit by the DXXD 2 times in 1 day

Latin smiles and when the camera zooms out of his face the view is in the Parking lot and Latin takes out his bat and smashes a window

Latin - You are half an hour away before bein beat down and hit by the DXXD and the 2 X's in the name of my finisher will be your eyes as your face will appear like this


Latin smiles and cracks his knuckles

Latin - This may be the last time you mess with me , cuz ounce you get in the ring with DXLatin , you will be Rated Thuganmoics and you I will officialy be your owner throughout the WWA , and ounce i defeat you , The title you are holding will be around my waist sooner than you think , and if anyone thinks otherwise they can step into the ring with me!

Latin smiles

Latin - And Ill be waiting here with my protable tv to see if you have anything to say backstage

Camera fades as Latin smashes another window
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 12:51 am

(Joe Santiago walks into his locker room)
(Joe Santiago sees some luggage and take it)
(Joe Santiago comes out dressed like DXLatin)

JSLatin - Look at me! Pay Attention to me! I’m JSLatin, and for some reason I think I’m good enough to fight “The Thriller” Joe Santiago.

(JSLatin pauses)

JSLatin - Just because I dominated in TEWF against guy’s like Android, I think I’m the best!

(JSLatin stops and dazes off)
(Then he continues)

JSLatin - I’m John Cena damn it! Wait, I’m JSLatin Damn it! Da Meaning of being Android’s Bitch! Android has his hand so far up my ass he can brush the back of my teeth!

(Modified scenes get shown)

Scenes shows King Hardcore gettin smashed IN THE BUTT by Latin
Scenes show Josh Matthews getting beat OFF in the Parking Lot by Latin
Scenes show Chain and Killer getting a double CHICKEN CHOKE on a car roof by Latin
Scenes show Bad Blood getting attacked in the parking lot by Latin
Scenes show Johnny Rocketfingers getting jumped in the BUTT by Latin

(Joe Santiago starts taking off DXLatin‘s gear)

Joe Santiago - DXLatin, You are in way over your head. Yeah you connected the DXXD on me, after attacking me from behind. something your used to, Android attacking you from behind! I’m going to go out to the parking lot and beat you within an inch of your life, and I already fought today.
Imagine how bad you be beat if I was 100%

(Joe Santiago laughs)

Joe Santiago - DXLatin after I beat you in your own match, I’m sure you’ll run back to the TEWF and back into the arms of Android. While I will fight in the WWA, I’ll fight people deserving like The Mexican Samurai, Beast, Crimson Skull, and others. You have earned nothing in the WWA except an ass kicking and that is what you will receive. I’ll break your Ankle and make you my Bitch. You connected the DXXD on my earlier and now I’ll connect the Thriller on you, on cement!

(Joe Santiago finishes taping his fists)

Joe Santiago - DXLatin, Get Ready!
We take it to the streets
Right Now
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 194
Registration date : 2006-12-31

Wrestler Info
Record: 78 - 38
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 12:58 am

Latin smiles as he watches Joe make a stupid fool out of himself

Latin smashes the protoable tv

Latin - Joe , your just a wannabe , hell why pretend to be me? , Im cooler than you'll ever be , your just a cheap champion , and you will always be known for bein cheap , when you step in the ring or backstage with me i will always have5 words to say to you WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAUGES

Latin looks around

Latin - your frist match with me will end with you on the ground , like a pron star who just got beat by a bunch of jokes , This is your first match with ,e and my debut match , so get ready for a ass kicking you'll never forget , and next time you try to be like me and say bull , remmeber just emberassed yourself on national television

Camera fades
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 1:05 am

Joe Santiago - King of like you not being able to spell Leagues? I was just acting like you, a jackass! You can throw your little hissy fits and bitch about me, but Can you back it up? No, you can't. You will lose in this Parking lot match the same way you always lose to Android in your Sexcapade adventures!

(Joe Santiago laughs)

Joe Santiago - Your a TEWF Loser and you will become a WWA Loser! You can't be Champion because you suck! I'm just waiting for Trent to judge our Segments, then I'll proced to kick your ass!
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 1:11 am

Joe Santiago vs. DXLatin
(Parking Lot Match)

[DXLatin comes to The Parking Lot. Joe Santiago walks to The Parking Lot. Earl Johnson is the referee for this contest. DXLatin executes a pumphandle suplex on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago walks around the ring.
(ring, ring, ring) DXLatin gives Joe Santiago a reverse neckbreaker.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago escapes.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with a heart punch.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
DXLatin rakes his fingers across Joe Santiago's back.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin spinning mule kicks Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin delivers a spinning backbreak to Joe Santiago.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago on the top rope and executes a superplex.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
DXLatin jabs Joe Santiago.
DXLatin nails Joe Santiago with a belly-to-back suplex.
Joe Santiago is up again.
DXLatin executes the jumping sidekick on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin hits him with a back fist.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets up.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin picks Joe Santiago up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin is up again.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a back heel kick.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin is up again.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the cement.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago goes for a cradle DDT but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago cuts DXLatin with A piece of broken glass.
DXLatin is bleeding as a result.
Joe Santiago gets sent into the turnbuckle while DXLatin hits him with a splash.
DXLatin swings A Trash Can and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets sidewalk slammed by DXLatin.
DXLatin fist drops Joe Santiago on the cement.
DXLatin is up again.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin with a high crossbody on Joe Santiago.
Now DXLatin standing.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
DXLatin kicks Joe Santiago on the cement.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
DXLatin fist drops Joe Santiago on the cement.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
DXLatin slaps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with an earringer.
DXLatin tackles Joe Santiago.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago.
Referee Earl Johnson makes the count.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
DXLatin pulls Joe Santiago's hair.
DXLatin pins Joe Santiago against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
DXLatin short lariats Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago trys for a power bomb but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago swings A Trash Can and hits DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is nailed with a waistlock suplex from DXLatin.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
DXLatin cuts Joe Santiago with A piece of broken glass.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin bounces Joe Santiago off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin hits a jumping elbow hrust on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago.
The ref starts the count.
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin hits a koppo kick on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
DXLatin gouges Joe Santiago's eyes out.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago stands up.
DXLatin gets up.
DXLatin picks up Joe Santiago and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
DXLatin sucks chants start in the crowd.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago in the cobra clutch.
Earl Johnson is checking for a tap out.
... Joe Santiago is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Joe Santiago escapes.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago have tooken this battle inside a dumpster.
DXLatin swings A Broom Stick and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
DXLatin kicks Joe Santiago in the groin.
DXLatin superkicks Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets elbowed to his midsection by Joe Santiago.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with the back of his elbow.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago takes a slap to the face from DXLatin.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
DXLatin shoulder tackles Joe Santiago.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin tackles Joe Santiago to the trash.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago's head.
DXLatin goes for a pin.
Earl Johnson counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
DXLatin hits him with a back fist.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the trash.
Joe Santiago covers DXLatin.
Referee Earl Johnson makes the count.
...1 ...2
DXLatin escapes.
DXLatin stands up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin does a handspring and hits Joe Santiago with a bodyblock, what a move!
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
DXLatin cuts Joe Santiago with A piece of broken glass.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin runs in and leg drops Joe Santiago.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago in the cobra clutch.
Referee Earl Johnson is checking for a tap out.
... Joe Santiago trys to escape. ... Joe Santiago is fighting the hold. ... DXLatin breaks the hold.
DXLatin swings A Trash Can and hits Joe Santiago.
DXLatin slingshot elbow drops Joe Santiago.
DXLatin swings A Broom Stick and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin dives head first into Joe Santiago.
DXLatin sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin swings A Broom Stick and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago breaks A Broom Stick.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
Joe Santiago gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by DXLatin.
DXLatin swings A Trash Can and hits Joe Santiago.
DXLatin leg drops the throat of Joe Santiago.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago escapes.
Joe Santiago stands up.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with a heart punch.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago's head.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the trash.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago gets elbowed to his midsection by Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin spinning mule kicks Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
DXLatin fist drops Joe Santiago on the trash.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with an earringer.
DXLatin short lariats Joe Santiago.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin hits a dragon suplex on Joe Santiago.
Now DXLatin standing.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
DXLatin hits a jumping elbow hrust on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
DXLatin delivers a spinning backbreak to Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago covers DXLatin.
The ref starts the count.
DXLatin escapes.
DXLatin with a high crossbody on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin places Joe Santiago on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago in the cobra clutch.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Joe Santiago trys to escape. DXLatin breaks the hold.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago get out of the dumpster and continue to fight.
DXLatin swings A Chair and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the cement.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin stands up.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago goes for a pin.
Referee Earl Johnson makes the count.
DXLatin escapes.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
DXLatin bounces Joe Santiago off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
DXLatin slaps Joe Santiago in the face.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
DXLatin hits a koppo kick on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin fist drops Joe Santiago on the cement.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago escapes.
Joe Santiago stands up.
DXLatin executes the jumping sidekick on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 1:11 am

Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin picks Joe Santiago up and side suplexes him to the cement.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago move from The Parking Lot to The Dumpster
DXLatin slingshot elbow drops Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago's head.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a back heel kick.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the trash.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin piledrives Joe Santiago head first into the trash.
DXLatin cuts Joe Santiago with A piece of broken glass.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin head butts Joe Santiago.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the trash.
Joe Santiago stands up.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the trash.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin gets up.
DXLatin with a headscissors takeover on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin dives head first into Joe Santiago.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin locks Joe Santiago in the kneebar.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... Joe Santiago is fighting the hold. ... Joe Santiago trys to escape. ... Joe Santiago escapes.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago get out of the dumpster and continue to fight.
DXLatin swings A Chair and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin gets up.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin is up again.
DXLatin gouges Joe Santiago's eyes out.
DXLatin pulls Joe Santiago's hair.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago stands up.
DXLatin pins Joe Santiago against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Joe Santiago gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DXLatin.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin slaps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago goes for a back breaker but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago cuts DXLatin with A piece of broken glass.
DXLatin is bleeding as a result.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the cement.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin gives Joe Santiago a reverse neckbreaker.
DXLatin is up again.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin tackles Joe Santiago.
DXLatin goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin jabs Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago trys for a dropkick but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago and DXLatin are taking the fight on to a car.
DXLatin executes the brain buster on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin is up again.
DXLatin locks Joe Santiago in the odd octopus hold.
The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... Joe Santiago is fighting the hold. ... Joe Santiago escapes.
DXLatin cuts Joe Santiago with A piece of broken glass.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with the back of his elbow.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin kicks Joe Santiago in the groin.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin superkicks Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin nails Joe Santiago with a double underhook suplex.
DXLatin wraps his legs around Joe Santiago's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
Referee Earl Johnson is checking for a tap out.
... Joe Santiago trys to escape. ... DXLatin tightens the hold. ... DXLatin breaks the hold.
DXLatin throws Joe Santiago off the car and on to the parking lot cement.
DXLatin swings A Chair and hits Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago's head.
DXLatin goes for a pin.
Referee Earl Johnson makes the count.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin nails Joe Santiago with a belly-to-back suplex.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin rakes his fingers across Joe Santiago's back.
DXLatin hits him with a back fist.
DXLatin with a high crossbody on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin nails Joe Santiago with a belly-to-back suplex.
DXLatin gets back to his feet.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago trys for a body slam but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago and DXLatin have tooken this battle inside a dumpster.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago get out of the dumpster and continue to fight.
Joe Santiago goes for a jumping DDT but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago cuts DXLatin with A piece of broken glass.
DXLatin is bleeding as a result.
Joe Santiago goes for a DDT but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago trys for a brain buster but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago and DXLatin take the fight to the top of a T.V. van!!
Joe Santiago trys for a German suplex but DXLatin avoids it.
DXLatin grabs Joe Santiago's head and DDT's him on the van.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin goes to throw Joe Santiago off the van but Joe Santiago holds on and they both fall into a dumpster.
DXLatin slingshot elbow drops Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago is up again.
DXLatin swings A Chair and hits Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago trys for a spine buster but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago swings A Chair and hits DXLatin.
Joe Santiago trys for a DDT but DXLatin avoids it.
Joe Santiago hooks DXLatin in the abdominal stretch.
Earl Johnson is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... Joe Santiago breaks the hold.
Joe Santiago and DXLatin move from The Parking Lot to A Truck
Joe Santiago cuts DXLatin with A piece of broken glass.
DXLatin is bleeding as a result.
Joe Santiago goes for a jumping DDT but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago swings A Chair and hits DXLatin.
DXLatin places Joe Santiago on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin pins Joe Santiago against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
DXLatin delivers a spinning backbreak to Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago covers DXLatin hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts.
DXLatin escapes.
DXLatin stands up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin jabs Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago fist drops DXLatin on the truck.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin executes a neck scissors on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin drop kicks Joe Santiago off the truck and onto the ground.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with an earringer.
DXLatin hits a koppo kick on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin measures Joe Santiago up and drops a closed fist.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Referee Earl Johnson makes the count.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin slaps the face of Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin hits a jumping elbow hrust on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts.
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin is back on his feet.
DXLatin executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago move from The Parking Lot to A Car
DXLatin slingshot elbow drops Joe Santiago.
DXLatin sucks chants start in the crowd.
DXLatin covers Joe Santiago hooking the leg.
Earl Johnson counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Joe Santiago kicks out.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
DXLatin pulls Joe Santiago's hair.
DXLatin superkicks Joe Santiago.
DXLatin slaps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with an earringer.
DXLatin nails Joe Santiago with a belly-to-back suplex.
DXLatin is up again.
Joe Santiago gets back to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago goes for a pin.
Earl Johnson counts the pin.
...1 ...2
DXLatin kicks out.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago is back on his feet.
DXLatin stands up.
DXLatin executes the jumping sidekick on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago punches DXLatin in the head.
DXLatin jabs Joe Santiago.
DXLatin superkicks Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin hits a koppo kick on Joe Santiago.
Now Joe Santiago standing.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago is up again.
DXLatin bounces Joe Santiago off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop.
DXLatin throws Joe Santiago off the car and on to the parking lot cement.
DXLatin cuts Joe Santiago with A piece of broken glass.
Joe Santiago is bleeding as a result.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin slaps Joe Santiago in the face.
Now DXLatin standing.
DXLatin puts Joe Santiago on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Joe Santiago is up again.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin hits Joe Santiago with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
Joe Santiago gets up.
Joe Santiago measures DXLatin up and drops a closed fist.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin with a high crossbody on Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DXLatin.
DXLatin moves back to his feet.
DXLatin fist drops Joe Santiago on the cement.
DXLatin gets up.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago goes for a back suplex but DXLatin dodges the attack.
Joe Santiago puts DXLatin in the cobra clutch.
Earl Johnson asks DXLatin if he quits.
... DXLatin is fighting the hold. ... Joe Santiago breaks the hold.
DXLatin picks Joe Santiago up and executes a stomachbreaker.
DXLatin and Joe Santiago move from The Parking Lot to A T.V. Van
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 1:12 am

Joe Santiago gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DXLatin.
Joe Santiago stands up.
Joe Santiago bounces DXLatin off the ropes and clotheslines him.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago gets hit with a back heel kick.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DXLatin tackles Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stands up.
Joe Santiago climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
DXLatin hits a jumping elbow hrust on Joe Santiago.
DXLatin stomps Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago gets up.
DXLatin short lariats Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
Joe Santiago comes from behind and bulldogs DXLatin.
DXLatin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Joe Santiago.
Joe Santiago moves back to his feet.
DXLatin climbs to his feet.
Joe Santiago pulls DXLatin out of the dumpster with him.
Joe Santiago and DXLatin are now fighting on a truck.
Joe Santiago grabs DXLatin by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Joe Santiago uses a closed fist on DXLatin.
Joe Santiago connects The Thriller on DXLatin
Joe Santiago covers DXLatin hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3
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DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty
PostSubject: Re: DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl   DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl Empty

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DXLatin vs Joe Santiago - Parking Lot Brawl
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