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 Steven Daunhauer (vs) The Android {Three Cages of Hell}

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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

Steven Daunhauer (vs) The Android {Three Cages of Hell} Empty
PostSubject: Steven Daunhauer (vs) The Android {Three Cages of Hell}   Steven Daunhauer (vs) The Android {Three Cages of Hell} EmptyJanuary 20th 2007, 8:22 pm

JWF World Heavyweight Championship
Steven Daunhauer (vs) The Android
{Three Cages of Hell}
New York Vengeance 2006


Morgan: The cage has been
lowered, it’s three hell in a cells staked together, every five minutes
the floors of each cage open, the first man to pull the belt down from
the top wins.

Mountie: This is going to be sick!

Song by Led Zeppelin plays as Android runs out to the ramp. He taunts
to the crowd to their cheers. He makes his way down the ramp and stops
mid-way. He flexes as green pyro goes off, and resumes going down the
ramp. He slides in the ring and taunts on the turnbuckle.

Morgan: Android the first man to sign with the new JWF.

Mountie: He finally gets his title shot.

Lights go dim in the arena

Killing you Know by Tool and Disturbed Plays

Hot Stuff with the hooded jacket Comes out with Leslee

The Paparazzi come out and start taking pictures

He throw his arms up in the air

Stage shoots out Sparks behind Steven

He walk down the stage with Leslee and the stage shoots up sparks

gets in the ring and right before Leslee gets in the ring He holds the
ropes down for her and she Bends down slowly right in front of Him

stays in the ring clapping and He gets on the top turnbuckle and Throw
His hands up again and the other three corners shoot sparks

Leslee leaves the ring

the music ends.

New music for the JWF World Champion and the crowd is cheering Steven
Daunhauer who made his ACW Debut at New York Vengeance where he won the
King of the Flames championship.

Mountie: So to the guys that were in the King of the Flames match this could be you someday.

(Bell Rings)

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer and The Android lock up in the middle of the ring and Steven Daunhauer connects a Dragon Fist!

Mountie: that’s some of the MMA training he has learned.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer stomps Android on the ground and drops some elbows on him.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer quickly grabs a bag of Mini Bombs from outside the ring and pours them on the mat.

Steven Daunhauer picks up Android and Powerbombs him on the Mini Bombs.
Steven Daunhauer is looking at Nic Leone tonight’s special ref.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is climbing the ladder into Cage two, The Android follows behind him.

Android makes it into Cage two and Steven Daunhauer hits him with a
chair he got off the Cage wall in this weapons Cage.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer lifts Android and rams his head against the cage wall.

Steven Daunhauer showing that this is his match. Steven Daunhauer has
the Barbwire Kendo stick that Android uses and he swings it at Android.

Mountie: He hits Nic Leone on accident and busts him open.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer turns around and whacks Android anyway. Steven Daunhauer sets up a table in the middle of Cage two.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer lifts Android and DDT’s him onto a chair.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer puts Android on the Table he set up and walks away.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is climbing the Cage wall and climbing across the roof.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is directly above Android and he drops an Elbow on him.


(Cage Floors open)

Mountie: Everybody falls to the ring and Steven Daunhauer put Android through the table and had perfect timing!

Everybody is hurt that is a pretty long fall, but it is the shortest in
this match. Steven Daunhauer is crawling toward the corner of the ring
and he has a few bags of Mini Bombs.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer gets up and pours the Mini Bombs all over the middle of the ring and leaves to climb to Cage two.

Android is rolling out of the ring to catch Steven Daunhauer. Steven
Daunhauer sets up a ladder against the Cage two wall.

Mountie: Android Spike DDT’s Steven Daunhauer into the ladder.

Morgan: Android is starting to climb the ladder into Cage three. That ladder is a rope ladder and is very difficult to climb.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer shakes it and sends Android falling of onto the Cage one Floor.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is climbing the Ladder and is in Cage three. Android follows but Steven Daunhauer is waiting.

Mountie: Android is in Cage three and Steven Daunhauer baseball slides into his head.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer lifts Android and suplexes him into the Barbwire wall.

Mountie: That was brutality in a legalized form.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer lifts Android and throws him into the Cage and Barbwire wall, Android is busted open bad!

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer has complete control of the Android in his match!

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is very confident at this point and he has the Android bleeding.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is stalking Android for a Hot Shot, he waits for Android to get up and he connects.


(Cage Floors open)

Morgan: All the way down to the ring with the Hot Shot!

Mountie: This is getting worse and worse, the even landed on the Mini Bombs.

Morgan: Android has yet to figure out this structure yet and he may not get to tonight!

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is getting up and is leaving the ring to get a table.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer puts another table in the ring and another, he is filling the ring with tables now.

Mountie: He put six tables in the ring and sets them up three and three.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is climbing to Cage one again and is there. Android is crawling slowly out of the ring.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer sets up four tables in Cage two above the tables in Cage one.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is climbing into Cage three and Android is in Cage two now!

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is climbing the ladder to the roof and he makes it!

Morgan: Android is in Cage three now. Steven Daunhauer is walking toward the belt and he grabs it!

Mountie: Android clotheslines him to the back of the head and Steven Daunhauer didn’t pull the belt down.

Morgan: Android lifts Steven Daunhauer and connects the Downgrade!

Mountie: Android is walking toward the belt and Steven Daunhauer grabs his foot.

Morgan: Android lifts Steven Daunhauer and he gets him up for another Downgrade.


(Cage Floors open)

Mountie: They fell from the roof all the way to the ring and only tables broke there fall!

Morgan: They wont even be able to move tomorrow.

Mountie: How do you recover from falling through ten tables?

Morgan: You don’t.

Mountie: Neither man has moved much since falling from the roof.

Morgan: Android rolls off of the pile of tables and Steven Daunhauer is still laid out!

Mountie: “The Hitman” Nic Leone is starting is up!

Morgan: Nic Leone grabs Steven Daunhauer and throws him out of the ring.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is using the Cage door to get up and Nic Leone swings a sledge hammer at him.

Morgan: Nic Leone hit the Cage door lock and broke it off!

Mountie: Now he hits Steven Daunhauer in the ribs with it.

Morgan: Android is in Cage Two. Nic Leone is blasting Steven Daunhauer with right hands and he busts him open.

Mountie: Android is in Cage Three.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is Crawling away from Nic Leone and he is following him.

Mountie: Android is walking toward the belt and no one can stop him now!


(Cage Floors open)

Morgan: Android was so close to the belt and it was stolen by the timer.

Mountie: Android landed on the pile of broken tables.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is climbing the outside of the Cage and Nic Leone is following.

Mountie: Android is climbing the ladder and is in Cage two.

So are Steven Daunhauer and Nic Leone. Android is climbing into Cage
Three and Steven Daunhauer and Nic Leone are outside the cage.

Android runs and launches his body into Steven Daunhauer and Nic Leone
sending them falling off the side of the cage and through the Spanish
announce table.

Morgan: There is so much time left and Android is in Cage Three.

Mountie: Android is stuck on Barbwire.

Morgan: Android fights away from the Barbwire and climbs to the top of the cage.

Mountie: Android is walking toward the Belt and Nothing can stop him now!

Morgan: He is finally Champion of the world.

Mountie: HOT SHOT!

Morgan: What?

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer ran and connected the Hot Shot out of nowhere.

Morgan: I thought he fell of the side of the cage?


(Cage Floors open)

Mountie: Well now they fall to the ring!

Morgan: How did he do that?

Mountie: I guess only Nic Leone fell and we were distracted by Android.

Morgan: this is anybodies match still!

Steven Daunhauer and the Android crawl toward the rope ladder and
Steven Daunhauer gets there first and is followed by Android.

Morgan: They crawl through Cage two and to the rope ladder and climb.

Mountie: Android is following Steven Daunhauer closely.

Morgan: They are in Cage three and are making there way to the ladder.

Mountie: Both men are now on the roof and get to there feet.

Morgan: They trade punches as they walk toward the World title.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer with boxing right hands.

Morgan: But Android throws Haymakers back at him.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer with a low blow, he kicked him low.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer grabs the belt but Android fights him and he grabs the belt too.

Mountie: Both men have two hands on the belt and are kicking the hell out of each other.


(Cage Floors open)

Morgan: The floor opens but they didn’t fall?

Mountie: They’re holding on to the belt holder and the floors aren’t going up!

Morgan: if they fall they lose the match.

Android connects big kicks and Steven Daunhauer reaches into his pocket
quickly and puts his hand back on the belt holder.

Morgan: Android is now connecting punches and is holding on with one arm.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer hits Android with a right hand and Android falls!

Morgan: The floors are back up right before he fell.

Mountie: Android is knocked out!

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer has brass knucks on and he lifts Android up and Hot Shots him.

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer reaches up and grabs the World Title, he is still champion!

Morgan: What an amazing match!

Mountie: here comes the NAFW and BLPW invasion and they are entering and climbing the inside and outside of the cage.

Morgan: Here come the entire JWF Roster to help!

Mountie: All these guys are beating the hell out of each other in the cage on each level

Morgan: What an amazing night it was and thank you for loving the JWF!


(Cage Floors open)

Mountie: Oh my God!

(Camera fades away)
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