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 Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within Empty
PostSubject: Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within   Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 8:15 am

Thunder booms, lightning flashes and rain pelts down upon a small urban area. You can see mud puddles scattering the area in between each flash of lightning, it is pitch black in between each lightning bolt. The wind is blowing harshly, almost making the rain appear to be blowing in sideways. The lightning flashes as the camera scans the area, looking for something, anything probably. The camera stops as a figure is shown in the rain, a good distance away. The camera holds in its spot as the lightning flashes and the figure is closer. Each time the lightning flashes, the body is getting closer. The figure is about fifty feet in front of the camera, and suddenly stops. The lightning flashes two times, and when it flashes a third time, the figure is gone. The camera spins around franticly trying to find where the figure has gone.

The rain begins to pour down harder and the thunder has become louder. It begins to affect the speaker’s output on the camera. Lightning begins to flash more rapidly as the storm is beginning to worsen. The camera begins looking around for shelter and in the distance the camera shows a beat down shack beyond the gates of a cemetery across a small park. The cameraman begins to jog towards the cemetery and towards the shack. Lightning continues to flash and the wind continues to howl. As the cameraman begins to slow his pace down, the camera is held at his side. When the lightning flashes, the camera catches footage of large foot prints in the mud while the cameraman is walking across the small park area. The sloshing of the cameraman’s feet is the only sounds heard other than the thunder, and the rain pouring down. The town seems to be quiet, some would say too quiet. The cameraman reaches the gates of the cemetery, when he reaches out to open the gate, heavy footsteps can be heard behind him. The cameraman turns around and holds the camera up to catch a glance of what is behind him, but nothing can be seen. The cameraman turns back to the gate and opens it up. He walks a few steps before he hears footsteps approaching him again. He spins around and sees a figure leap at him, knocking him on the ground. the cameraman screams in fear as the figure begins licking him on the face. Lightning flashes and he sees that a large dog has pounced on him, attempting to play with him in this storm. The cameraman curses the dog and shoves him off, as he stands up and picks the camera back up.

He continues walking towards the shack as the storm continues getting worse. The trees provide some shelter, but not enough to honestly consider shelter. The cameraman finally reaches the shack and is surprised to see the door is busted in. He peers inside and calls out to see if anyone is in the shack. Lightning flashes and the cameraman jumps at the sudden flash of light. He starts to wander into another room, but is startled by the yelp of a dog somewhere in the next room. The cameraman’s curiosity convinces him to open the door to the next room, once he opens the door completely he is knocked off his feet once again, by the dog. He pushes the dog off of him one more time, wiping the wetness from his hands on his jeans. The lightning flashes again and the cameraman’s face loses all color. He stands frozen in fear for a moment until the next flash of lightning, the dog’s head has been ripped off, and his hands are covered in blood. He begins to freak out and goes for the door, but is knocked out by the dog’s head being thrown at him.

The camera is lying on the ground, it shows large feet stepping towards the camera. The camera is then picked up, and shows pitch blackness, once the lightning flashes, Crimson Skull is standing before the camera, with his old mask covering his face. Skull begins to laugh as the camera begins to static out.

The camera cues back in on the cameraman being hung upside down from his feet. The light is now on inside this room, and Skull walks into view. Skull pushes the cameraman slightly making him sway from side to side. Skull laughs as he does this.

“It has occurred to me, that some changes are needed in order to become what I once was. I can no longer just mock and ridicule my opponents, I must become that feared monster I once was. And in order to do that, some people are going to have to pay.”

Skull kneels down and turns the body around to where he can face the cameraman. Skull grabs the cameraman by each side of his cheeks with one hand, and forces the cameraman awake. The cameraman begins to plead and beg, but Skull shakes his head, tightening his grip on the man’s face. The man begins to quiet down, but still is breathing heavy and whimpering with each breath.

“What’s a matter? Have you never been this close to Death before? Did you forget who Death was? DID YOU FORGET THAT I AM DEATH HIMSELF?”

The man has begun to cry hysterically, whimpering like a child as Skull gets more furious by the moment. Skull begins to cock his head side ways, he is acting like something has snapped inside of him.

“Oh, but they sure did. They have forgotten all about me, what I used to be in my former glory. Oh, but now I am repetitive, and now I am making a joke of myself. The truth is, the real Crimson Skull was ruined once Joe Santiago suspended me. Since that moment, I haven’t been the same, it is true. Joe Santiago can feel proud all that he wants to…for he knows, that I am the only one who has truly gotten to him…he knows that the reason that he did suspend me, was I actually had him beat. And if it does come down to me and Joe during the tournament, I will beat him and redeem myself once and for all…he speaks as though he is the best thing that has ever walked this earth…do you know that?”

Skull shakes the man’s head with his hand furiously while the man has begun to pray.

“And Joe thinks he has this tournament won. Not on my watch. Somehow, I think it shall come down to me and an old foe in the final round of this tournament, but not Joe. Joe Santiago only wishes that he was as good as he thinks he is. The only thing that he has to hold is his childhood fantasies of playing in the backyards, wrestling his childhood friends, winning the “title” of the company he would create many years later. These title reigns that he counts in the 20’s are false…they are but mere childhood dreams. If he had that many title reigns, then he would have to be something better than what he proves to be. Either that or his opponents were worthless talent. I look at Joe, and I see a man who has lost everything. He is so high on himself, that he has forgotten one thing, he is beatable. Though he may preach and preach about how he is the best…the only reason he does so, is to make himself seem to be the best. He prides himself in all his “accomplishments” but to everyone else around him, they only deal with him so that they can keep their job. Would you do that to keep your job? Would you ruin everything you had worked to create?”

Skull is squeezing the man’s cheeks so hard that he can hardly breathe, tears are running from his eyes down his forehead and streaming down onto the floor. Skull chuckles.

“But above all else, when he says that he has me beaten already…that is just his pride getting the best of him…I had Joe beat at one time, he can talk all he wants to and make mockery after mockery of everyone. But once someone gets him, they are punished for it, not by his talents, but his managerial status. He abuses that power. Ask him to recover what I had to say about him that led me to being suspended, everyone that saw it before Joe knew that he had been beaten. Joe may believe that he is the best, but there are plenty out there that can best him, when he chooses to get off of his own high horse. You see the difference between Joe and I, is that he can only go so much into creativity. You see, Joe’s style is mockery, fucking a girl, bragging and self glorification, and then followed by more childish mockery. Anybody can do those things Joe, anybody can…but it takes someone with creativity to do the things that I do. And when Joe realizes that no one thinks of him like he thinks of himself…he will feel alone and helpless. He may claim he needs no one, but that is why he has to hide behind his friends. He will bring his biggest threats close to him, so that he has the numbers on his side to take on the ones smart enough not to fall into Joe’s trap. And I have a feeling, that after this draft takes place, Joe Santiago and I will be seeing more of each other in the ring. I doubt that Joe will make it past Kaos. For I know how admirable of an opponent Kaos is…”

Skull suddenly stops and begins to have flashbacks of his and Kaos’ feud. He begins to recall the grueling matches that they had. He then recalls the scene at Breakdown, where Skull, Wicked, and Kaos took out anyone who was standing against them. The man’s cries awaken Skull from his flash backs as he tightens his grip on the man’s face. Skull starts to become even angrier.

“Maybe it was something that was said by Joe, maybe it was the thrill of glory that I have going into War Games, or maybe…” Skull laughs evilly. “Maybe, I truly am back…maybe its time for me to bury the hatchet…and maybe I should consult an old friend for an alliance…and for that, thanks are in order for that old friend.”

Skull trails off into thought again and begins to smile wickedly as he continues on. He lets go of the man’s face and stands up out of his chair. He walks over to the window and begins looking out to the graveyard. He kicks the dog’s head out of his way when he reaches the window.

“Stylez, I am not even going to waste that much of my breath on you. But as I read what you claim in your past, it occurs to me that Johnny Styles was kept at the mid carder level for quite the long time, while Crimson Skull and Kaos were bringing in the crowds at main event level. You see, Johnny you forget a lot of things about the past, you only remember what you want to remember. I have said all that need be said about you, more than I should have, the world knows you aren’t worth my time or my trouble…all you carry is what I desire most…that belt…and I guarantee you this, if you somehow make it past Joe, and into the next round and past Kaos, if you meet me in the final round, I will give you the same beating that I gave to you last Breakdown. And it will not even be a fraction of the beating you will receive at War Games. But for a man that throws around the word politics being used against you…to that I ask if you know the meaning of a hypocrite. For a man whose career has been based on politics and deals made under the table, it is pretty damn sad that you have to put the blame on others while trying not to draw that same attention to you. There is not an arena in the world that would hold the egos of Joe Santiago and Stylez, while one could hold the talent of both combined in a shot glass. I need not say anymore, for I feel that Joe has said enough for all of us, and I will keep some things in waiting for you till War Games…call it the element of surprise if you will. But as for your brother, he seems to always get the unlucky draw. He has never beaten me, and this time will be no different. Whenever he steps into the ring with me, if he doesn’t shit his pants first or wet himself…the match will have ended as soon as it started, let’s face it Tails. Your brother holds the most talent in your family, and we all now how much of a lack of talent he brings. So let that settle on your thoughts as you lay down to sleep at night beside your big brother. And as for Christian Faith…I do not know what possessed any man to call himself by such a name, but he’s going to need some good Christian Faith to make it anywhere in this tournament. You are as good to me as shit on the bottom of my shoe, Christian. I hope that this welcoming committee we have assembled for you does you a good initiation. For you face the unlucky task of facing the born again Kaos.”

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within Empty
PostSubject: Re: Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within   Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 8:17 am

The man begins to plead once more as Skull is snapped into another fit of rage. Skull turns to look at the man and walks over to him. Skull is breathing heavily, his chest and his shoulders heaving with each breath. Skull reaches up and pulls down on the legs of the man with force, breaking the beam he is tied upside down upon. Skull pulls a chair up against a wall and secures the man into the chair. The man is dizzy, trying to beat the head rush from being held upside down for so long. Skull begins pacing around in circles calming himself down.

“I can’t let myself get too worked up now, can I? I will end up forgetting someone like I almost forgot Frank Hart. Hart, can you honestly tell me any other time in your career when you felt like you had accomplished something. The only thing that I can think of is that you were the man that lost to me for the Undisputed Title. You will forever be known as the man who almost beat Crimson Skull for the title. Now, you hold a belt that anyone can win with ease. But I doubt you will make it past the first round of this tournament. You see, you and Johnny Stylez are both too much the same. You both think you have accomplished something and are better than everyone. But in reality, you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. Johnny Stylez has achieved more than you, it is true…but it still means nothing to me what either of you have achieved. Frank Hart, you might as well have a heart attack right now, because come Wednesday, there will be no way in hell that you make it past me.”

Skull stops in his tracks and looks over towards the camera. He walks closer to the camera so that the camera can see his entire mask and his eyes that have went back to their old shade of black. No longer do the lightning bolts burn in his retinas, but blackness rests behind Skull’s eyes. Skull seems to be going back into the fury he was in earlier.

“Kaos…there are no words that can express myself other than you are right. I too got hungry in my lust for power and lost sight of who truly was the monster Crimson Skull…I became more mortal as the days went on. And in the end, it resulted in my losing the only true family I have ever known, they shall return to me in due time…but the simple fact remains that I let them down. So old friend, my former pupil…I commend you, you have taught your mentor a valuable lesson. And for that, you shall be rewarded…in…due…time…and I have the feeling that we shall meet again, facing off in the ring in the finals of this tournament. One more for the road, once more The Mentor vs. The Pupil…”

Skull turns to look at the man in the chair, and Skull begins to laugh.

“Hallow Wicked…I hope it is you that I meet in the semifinals of this tournament. For it will be a preview of Breakdown, whenever I bury you alive. You would have been better off staying in your casket, blood sucker. Maybe you should learn a few tricks from the vampire master Dracula and learn how to disappear or fly away as a bat. Because whenever you realize what has been awakened inside me, you will wish that you had never even been bitten, and died centuries ago. You thought that when you killed Dracula, and when you killed the queen of all Vampires that you were deemed invincible. But you didn’t realize that once you killed those two “masters” that you would be vulnerable to another master of your own whenever you swore yourself to me upon your entrance here. So killing those two have served you no purpose. Even though they were the ruler of the vampire race, they had one being that they were loyal to. And that would be the ultimate evil. So Wicked, you have now eliminated all the other candidates, making yourself the king of the vampire race. But you forget one simple detail Wicked…I am the devil on earth…and it is me who you will bow before, in the ring and outside of it, you will realize that you are no match for me.”

As Skull has said this last thing, he has made his way to the man in the chair. Skull unties the man and shoves him towards the door, giving him his chance to leave. The man looks at Skull wearily and then takes off running. Skull laughs at his cowardice and allows him to go so far.

“Tails, Hart, Wicked, Kaos, Christian Faith, Stylez, Joe…it doesn’t matter who you are or who you think you are…there is only room for one winner in this tournament, and that one winner will be me. You all will learn what should have been learned long ago, that it is best not to fuck with the reaper, because when the smoke is cleared and all is said and done. I will be the sole survivor and I will continue on my path to greatness on to War Games. Say your prayers, count your blessings…Hope god will have mercy on your poor souls, because one thing is for damn sure…I will not!”

Skull’s eyes catch ablaze as green balls of fire engulf them. He begins laughing and points at the man who has made it to the gates of the cemetery. A green lightning bolt shoots down and strikes the man, engulfing him in the green flames. The camera returns it’s gaze back to Skull as his evil smile is twisted in the glow of the moonlight.

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Th Awakening of the Dormant Beast Within
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