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 Joe Mama Is Ready

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Joe Mama Is Ready Empty
PostSubject: Joe Mama Is Ready   Joe Mama Is Ready EmptyOctober 28th 2006, 5:26 pm

[The clouds are dark as if it's about to rain. Although, it seems that the sun never shines in Parts Unknown. Joe Mama walks down the street dressed in his navy blue bathrobe over top his blue jeans and white wifebeater. A group of five masked wrestlers begin to approach as Joe Mama grumbles a bit.]

Joe Mama: Great... The Family of Filth.

[The Family of Filth slows down before they approach Joe Mama. They begin elbowing each other and pointing out Joe Mama. They laugh a bit as one of them motions to the rest and then the group heads over. The one who motions begins to speak.]

Filthy #1: Hey Mama, what's up?

Joe Mama: I'm training.

Filthy #1: Looks like you're walking too.

Joe Mama: That's just because I just lifted a bunch of weights to get in shape.

Filthy #4: How much weights?

Joe Mama: I just lifted like 500 pounds. I gotta get in shape for my title match.

[The Family of Filth begin to snicker.]

Filthy #2: There is no way you lifted 500 pounds. You couldn't even lift your own body weight.

Joe Mama: Shut up.

Filthy #1: Leave him alone, Filthy #2. Yo Joe, what title match do you have?

Joe Mama: I have a chance to win the Dark Match World Championship.

[The Family of Filth begins to laugh.]

Filthy #2: Dark Match?

Joe Mama: Yeah.

Filthy #2: What a loser!

[Joe Mama begins seething and grabs a light pole. He leaps off and throws a kick up at Filthy #2's head. Filthy #1 blocks the kick with his hand and throws him back down to his feet. Filthy #1 then holds back Filthy #2. The rest of the Filthies fall in line at their leaders command.]

Filthy #1: Filthy #2, save your strength. We have a Parts Unknown Wrestling Tag Title Match tomorrow.

Filthy #2: C'mon, let me mutilate this punk.

Filthy #1: Not now. Filthies, get in the van.

[The Filthies pile in a sweet glossy black van with skulls airbrushed on the side and the word "FILTHIES" written in gothic letters. Filthy #1 stands there with Joe Mama.]

Filthy #1: What the hell, man?

Joe Mama: I could've taken him.

Filthy #1: Are you crazy?

Joe Mama: I might just be.

[Filthy #1 grins underneath his mask and begins to nod a bit.]

Filthy #1: I like that. I like your style kid. Save it for the ring. Save it for your match.

[Joe Mama begins to nod, overly sneering a bunch, twitching his nose and part of his upper lip. Filthy #1 punches Joe Mama in the shoulder and climbs into the van. He shakes his head a bit when he's out of Joe Mama's site. Filthy #2 glances over at Joe Mama from the passenger's seat as Filthy #1 starts up the van. Joe Mama stares back and bugs his eyes out and tenses his neck, snapping it out. Filthy #2 simply shakes his head in disgust and laughs a bit. Joe Mama flips him off as the van begins to pull away. Joe Mama continues down the street.]

Joe Mama: He said Joe Mama's crazy. I guess I am. Loppotianian Shannitiathanianac will realize this when he steps into the ring against me at Halloween Hell. I will wear that Dark Match World Championship proudly. I have to walk away the winner. It's high time that I show everyone in Parts Unknown that I am as dark as they come.

[Just then, Joe Mama spots a hot gothic woman walking down the street toward him. She has raven black hair and a short black dress, black stockings and black high heels. He stares at her for a second before digging into his pocket. He turns around some and takes a sip of his Hawaiian Punch and hides it. As she approaches, he spits out the red liquid in front of her. It splatters on a store window. The gothic woman looks disgusted and continues walking. Joe Mama shrugs and continues on his way. Suddenly he hears a loud noise as a very large and muscular old man with a long white beard walks out from the store with his broom.]

Old Man: You spit on my window, punk!

[Joe Mama begins running down the street as the old man chases after him. The old man has good speed so Joe Mama runs in front of traffic. Cars slam on their breaks as the old man stops. Joe Mama leaps on a car hood as the woman in the vehicle yells at him. Joe Mama disappears into a dark alley.]
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