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 King Prt. 2

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

King Prt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: King Prt. 2   King Prt. 2 EmptyOctober 29th 2006, 11:54 pm

OOC: Had to split it up to two was to big!::

::The King is back.::

:: You are a has-been, a legendary drop-out, Santiago…A man who's fallen so hard from grace that it's a wonder you're even still here today.::

::You couldn't beat me in your prime! And now you've become nothing more then a washed up hack, and there's no-one out there who would possibly deny that.::

::Warzone your one shot at MY US TITLE, you still have some chance to pull things together and show the world that somehow, someway, you are the top gun in our division. Do I believe you will? No::

::I know you'd like to think, Santiago, that when I win at Warzone I'll just fizzle and die out. I know you'd like to believe that I'll never be a thorn in your side again, never be able to show the world that you are, in fact, a peasant disguised as the king.::

::Regretfully, I have to inform you that you're wrong. Dead wrong.::

:::You can't stop me, Bra.... So long as Jada stays by my side and supports me to the very can knock me off my feet all you want--I'll still have the motivation to stand again.::

::It's a combined effort, really...Jada is my inspiration and emotion, the fans are my determination and practically family support, and my family and friends are the people I look to when I need guidance.::

::I've got a veritable army standing ready behind me, Santiago and you've got nothing!::

::Hungry Santiago? Real Hungry? Then go eat a fucking Snickers bar, because your not winning this week!::

::Long live the new CHAMP!!!::

Dave Gray:: Looks like you handled Sanitago…Who’s next on the hit list?

:: I really don’t have to rip them…But I will…I mean Those cats don’t have my work ethic. I thought maybe the US Championship would motivate Chris BLUEballs, Ranger “I like forest fires” Joe Horney, Joe “I NEED MY” Mama, King OF Clowns, and the others just don’t have enough to be a Champion…::

::Speaking of Chris BLUEballs We've been here before. Preparing to face one another. The only difference? You were my First match and I still brought you to cheating and got the W. What does that tell you BLUEballs? Look at me now. Do you honestly think that you even stand a chance against me? I've gone from the new guy to being the KING. In less then 24 hours!::

::But I'll give you some credit.::

::You managed a count out at Halloween Hell, and didn’t cheat. Man, you are just amazing. No wait, no you're not. Your redundant, lame, old. Your promos don't change from week to week. The same shit talking every goddamn promo. Take a page from my book and get creative. The buzz around the locker room is that you're talented. Which matches are they watching? You don't impress me at all. In fact, I think my little brother would give you a challenge; and he's half the athlete I am.:::

::It's simple.::

:: Hate to burst your bubble, but it's gotta be done. It's sickening watching you think you deserve to be in a championship match.::
I beat you once!::

:: So why would anyone think I couldn't beat you again? I think it's easy to see. Plain as daylight if you ask me. Christ you had a chance to use my face to wipe the mat. But I still owned you. What did you have to do, get us counted out? Funny. You couldn't match me in the ring, so why not at least get a draw out of it. It still doesn't matter. I'm on my way to beating any and every legend whoever graced the JWF ring. Can you say best wrestler ever? No you can't; but I can.::

::Your name is already tainted.::

::When your name is mentioned in a match, no one worries about facing you. Your name doesn't strike fear in anyone. Never did! Instead, they know you're beatable. No one goes in facing you thinking they're gonna lose. They know there is a ninety percent chance they're gonna win, and a ten percent chance that you might get lucky.::

::Oh burn.::

::But seriously BLUEballs, you don't bring a threat to the ring. Hell congrats on the shoot at this belt. Congrats on even making it big time. Do you deserve to be there? But every dog has his day right? Even that shitty ones. But me, I do strike fear. I'm the guy that makes their opponents nervous. Not only do I beat them in the ring, I beat them verbally. Just like I'm doing to you. But feel free to use this shoot against me. It's the only chance you've got to try and hate on me right?::
::Try and use my promo to your advantage, you uncreative prick. In the end, I'm the one with my hand raised, holding a victory over your head and eight other heads. I'm always going to be that one better than you, because I simply am.::
::Tie those boots real tight.::

::Your bout to get your ass handed to you!::

::The stage is set, and it's time for the other’s opening lines.::

::Don't mess up.::

::It's not that I think I'm better than you. Blueballs::

:::I know I am. I know this one is in the bag:::
:::You've got so much to lose. Or is it already lost.::

::You doubt yourself too much.::

::That's where I capitalize. The audience has piled in and it's no longer your time to shine.::

::I'm a Saint. I'm a God. I’m the next US Champion::

::But mostly. I’ll always be that much better than you. BlueBalls!::

Dave Gray:: This is to good!::

::It only gets better!::

::Ranger Joe fucknuts, What's it like? What's it like to know that you can do anything without good ol’ Stylez running through your head? First Halloween Hell, then the tag match and now the rumble! It must be quite unproductive. I wouldn't know, I've never been outmatched. But it is quite clear that you don't stand a chance. I mean you use the same rhetoric over and over. Just like the rest of the clowns in the JWF. How many times do I have to save this company? I bring in superstars, and I bring in fans. I'm starting to grow tired of being the new King around here. But no...::

::You still can't have the crown No matter how many forest fires you stop.::

::But let me break down the your next promo, Ranger Fucknuts promo's for you fans out there. I know they're boring to sit through, so I'll fill you in.::

::First you start with a scene.::

It’ll be a forest our some mountain type deal, With Ranger Fucknuts screwing around with nature…::

::In other words, the material is the same old, lame shit.::

::But the trash talk is where it gets good. Ranger will sum up his thoughts and delivers his powerful messages to his opponent. You know the usual comments. "I can beat you." You are nothing more than an over rated prick." My god does it get old. I don't know how he gets so many people to like him, it's astonishing. Then the promo usually ends, with more shoots of a dying tree our someshit fondling one another. At the end of the promo, what do you get from it? Yes, that's right. The same thing you got the week before, and the week before that. ONLY YOU CAN PERVENT FOREST FIRES!::

::Come on Ranger Boy, give me a challenge…No one has yet!::

::Actually show me that you used to be somebody around here. I've murked you with this one promo. Why even bother making another promo? You'll just be embarrassed like every other time I speak. I'm trying to help you, trying to guide you in the direction to superstardom. But you're not listening. You being in a match with me will get you somewhere. I'm trying to be a nice guy.::

::I'm trying to change::

::I'm giving you that way out, by allowing you to stop running off at the mouth. But it continues. You just love to talk shit. As will as save a tree our two…Never mind…But where is it going to get you? That's right. Nowhere. Where does it end? When do you stop embarrassing yourself? I mean you truly are the laughing stock of the JWF, with your tired ass gimmick…The mounty is retired for a reason!::

::Go worry about your wife, and the kids and the forest your trying to save. See I don't need anyone to tell me I'm the best.::

::I already knew it. I knew it when I first got here. I watched every other guy in the JWF, and realized that there was hardly any talent here. That's where I knew I would take the ball and run with it. Ask anyone; they know Im the New King. They know that I could beat whomever I please.::

::Three cats down, only Six jobbers left!::

::Ranger Fucknuts, I'll have another promo for you, don't you worry. It never gets old to rip on your lame shit. Get some talent, get a new career.::

::My name will be written in stone…Your name will be forgotten…I've given you something to work with…Quit being a bitch and give me a challenge. Or go back and mow a damn lawn!::

Dave Gray:: Cross him off…

::This is much more than just a match. It's a battle between warriors. Some who used to be at the top, and the others who are reigning supreme. Correct, VIP and all the others, are the one who used to be.::

::I don't need fuel from any of you.::

::Folks like VIP and Alonso, should be paying attention. Learning something. I'm glad they decided to think there Championship material, like the other jokes. You're making it far worse than what it should be. Are you looking for me to fire back off from what you two dipshit will say? I don't need your words to make an amazing promo. I can own you two without yous even speaking.::

::Let me show you...::

::I want you two to and everyone else to realize who I am. You two dipshits trying to act like you're not worried aren’t working. I know deep inside the pits of your stomach Alonso, and VIP fear me. You fear Stylez. For you two know that I am ten times the athlete you two put together are. Character. Heh, I've got character you folks could only dream of having. I don't have to say the same things in every promo like everyone else including Alonso and VIP… I switch it up. I have so many styles, that you can't even compare to. But you two self made legends. A few hall of famer eh? For the time being. After I'm done with you two, you'll be hanging up the tights.::

::You cats aren't intimidating anymore.::

::In fact, you're a joke. I've pushed cats to there limits; practically destroyed the GWE. Embarrassed BLUEballs. I know how things work VIP, Alonso. I'm a seasoned veteran. I am the King, and I am the wrestling god. You can refer to me as Zeus if you like. It's all about your own preferences. But hey, keep up your tough guy acts. It's amusing.::

::VIP? What’s that supposed to mean? Because your anything but Very Important Person! You along with Alonso are the true playas of this rumble…Teach me something. The student will be teaching the teacher. If that's what you two want to think of me as. Because lord knows there isn't anything you fags can teach. Maybe how to lose the big match? How to lose to a KING? Maybe even how to run your trap without being able to back it up? I'm the main event. The showstopper. The Icon.::

::Wait that's Shawn Micheals.::

::Dammit now Ranger Joe has me stealing other wrestlers gimmicks. Quit wasting space on my television with bullshit. No one believes any of yous in the rumble! None of you’s are impressing anyone. Christ, there only going to be watching me!::

::See I’m ten steps ahead of all of yous. Just like I said when I first started. I could've sworn I had guessed you all would be a bunch of nobodies when I got to the top. They could only hold me down so much. Now I'm sitting at the top, waiting for everyone else to catch up. Week in, week out I show that I am the greatest. I show why I am going to be the NEW US CHAMPION. I mean how the hell could any of you even match what I'm doing. Sitting at the top, I look down and there are still the assclowns like everyone in the rumble, who still seem to think they have what it takes to beat me. Go home, work on your ability, then come and see me.::

::Oh wait, it still won't matter.::

::I've got this match under control, HELL I even got the eight man tag match under control with just this promo. That gives you cats plenty of time to focus on the task at hand. You've got plenty of time to study my tapes, and attempt to control me in the ring. It's still doubtful though.::

::Because in the survival of the sickest, I'm still standing.::

:: I'm gonna jack you all in the ring. Put you all out on your back. Toss each and everyone out of my RING, then it's over. Just like it began. I enjoy shattering all your hopes and dreams, because it's all too easy. Next thing you know, I'll be banging Ranger Joe’s wife! Along with the twelve others doing it. Keep it simple, and don't respond. You don't want to fire me up.::

::Things would only get worse for you. ::

::This is about being the King of JWF. I'm still twelve steps ahead of all of you, and I am gradually pulling away further and further. Maybe before you all jumped in to this match, you all should have beat a couple of rookies first, got your confidence back, and then came at me. Because we all know, none of you can't match what I bring.::

::And that's the truth.::

::Look at this flow. It's unmatched. Go home, do your research on Johnny Stylez. Try and come up with something that can actually work against me. Any of yous…I dare you’s::

::Heh, there is nothing.::

::Because The Soon to be US Champion….NEVER LOOKED SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!::

[And there you have it, The camera pans out and the public are left wondering what Styles and Gray are left talking bout in private. Who knows? But one thing is for sure, Johnny Stylez is Ready to RUMBLE! Are you?!?]
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