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 Jay's Storm

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The Wraith
The Wraith

Number of posts : 10
Age : 32
Registration date : 2007-05-08

Jay's Storm Empty
PostSubject: Jay's Storm   Jay's Storm EmptyMay 8th 2007, 8:16 pm


~The scene opens with a starlight night sky, the camera is at the bottom of a building looking up. It slowly zooms in to see The Wraith at the top, wind blowing swishing his hair back.~

~Suddenly the camera shifts to another and we are now on top of the building. David looks toward the camera cigarette hanging from his painted black lips.~

So my time has come. So now it is time to step forward and take my place as the representitve of god. It is now tiem to perg the souls here in JWF. At WarZone I start with Jay . . . Jay Storm. Does he honestly stand a chance against me the angle of death, me . . . . THE WRAITH.

~David takes a long drag, he takes the smoke out of his mouth with two fingers. He slowly blows the smoke into the night air and watches it blow into the wind.~

Jay Storm . . . you shall look into my eyes at WarZone and quiver in fear. You will realize there is no escape. All exits are locked and you are forced to face an instant icon.

Isn't it a wonderful night. So wonderful . . . like the night I laid in that ally way slowly dieing. Like the night I became immortal. I am still discovering what I can do.

~A door opens behind David, it is a guard.~

Hey what are you doing up here sir. I don't think your allowed up here.

Probally not, but I am causing no harm.

I guess not, do you happen to have an extra smoke?

Yes, I do. Let me check my coat.

~David pull's a smoke out of his left pocket and hands him it slowly. He thanks David. Steal is comming to the end of his smoke so he puts another in, and flings the old one off the building.~

So do you come up here often?

Only when I really need to think. It's so peaceful up here, it seems like for once the world is at peace. Like nothing is going wrong, not one person is dieing, not one cheek is wet.

I know what you mean man. What do you do for a living mr. . .?

Steal. . . I am a professinal wrestler. Sounds kind of funny I guess, but I think it is the only place where the struggle between good and evil is settled.

Huh, lucky you. I'm stuck with this shitty minimum wage job. What federation are you in?

JWF, I was just signed.

Ah you must be the man there hyping to come to WarZone.

I guess so, but i wasn't aware I was being hyped. I can't wait to get my first match in. Wipe the dust off the boots.

Are you in the tournament?

Yes, I face Jay Storm.

Man I hate that guy. He is one of my most despised wrestlers of all time.

~The guard knocks the ashes off his smoke at the same time as David. The guard drops his smoke "
Shit" He dusts it off and places it back between his lips.~

Shouldn't you be doign your job?

Nothing ever happens here. Maybe a break in once every year. I've
been workign here for five years or so.

Yea, I moved in a year ago.

I haven't really seen you around here.

I keep to myself.

Yea, anyway I best get back to work. Thanks a lot for the smoke. I'll see you around sometime. And good luck in your match Mr. . . . Steal.

~The guard exits the way he came. David hears his feet hit the steps as they hit the stairs. David looks back out to the night sky.~

Well soon I will make my debut to JWF. I will take it by Storm so to speak. Jay Storm is about to meet with a storm head on. That storm will be me.

Jay will be put to rest at the hands of . . . THE WRAITH!

~David jumps off the building diving stright toward the ground . . . The guard in the window sees David falling and looks out the window. Nothing??? The guard looks up and sees a crow. A caw echos in the night sky as the scene fades.~

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