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 Get Ready For The Storm!!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 84
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-03-09

Get Ready For The Storm!! Empty
PostSubject: Get Ready For The Storm!!   Get Ready For The Storm!! EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 3:22 am

[The scene opens in a dark room. Jay Storm is siting on a bed with red, silky covers, and rose petals spread on top of it, and around it. He is holding something in his hands. The camera zooms in to get a closer look at what it is, and it appears to be a magizene. The cover is a sexy picture of an unknown woman.]

Picture:Get Ready For The Storm!! Ashley-Massaro-0006

[The door then begins to open up, and Storm places the magizene on the bed,and dives to the side of the bed, and out of sight. The lady on the magizene enters the room, and flips the light switch on. She see's the bed, and petals, and then the magizene, and gasps in suprise.She covers her mouth, and walks to the bed picking the magizine up, and examining it. Storm then pops up from the bed, and yet again suprises her. She jumps in fright then literally jumps over the bed, and into Storms arms hugging, and kissing him. He smile, and lays her on the bed, and she lays back laughing out loud.]

Woman: YES!!! How did you get this.

[ Storm looks at her his smile shining like the biggest star in the sky.]

STORM: Well, I pulled a few strings, and got it early.

[She gets up looking suspicious.]

Woman:What kind of strings exactly?

STORM: Thats for me to know, and you to find out later.

[ He then bends over, and whispers something in her ear. She giggles like a little school girl, and gets up off the bed.]

Woman: OK, I will go freshen up.

[ She runs to the bath room still giggling, and shuts the door. Storm then turns to the cameras.]

STORM: What are you guys still doing here?

[ They look at each other, and the one on the left chooses to reply to the question.]

Cameraman:We were hoping to get input about your match on War Zone against Mr. Tommy Cornell.

[ Storm smiles at them, and sits on the bed. He shifts a little, and puts his hands on his chin.]

STORM: Mr. Tommy Cornell huh. Well I guess I will grant you an input as you called it. My debut will be against Tommy Cornell, and quite frakly when I heard Who Id be facing I quite frankly I laughed.Who the hell is Tommy Cornell. Not a big face in this company thats obvious.I mean what the hell kinda nick name is the Brooklyn Lip. Its looks like all the other ones had been taken. Now Cornell, and his mom I belive need to go on somewhere. 10 years of wrestling, and I have never heard of them once. Besides what kinda wrestler brings his mom out to the ring.

[ The camera man holds up his index finger indicating Storm to stop.

Camera Man: Thats not his mom Storm its his girlfriend I belive.

[ Storm smiles, and looks at the bathroom door. With no sign of the woman coming out he turns back to the cameras.

STORM: He's dating his mom!! Wow this just keeps getting stranger.

[ The camera man sighs]

Cameraman:No It's not his mom idiot!

[ Storm instantly grabs the collar of the cameraman's shirt, and pulls him closer to his face.]


[ Fear spreads through the eyes of the cameraman as he shakes his head no.]

STORM: Now back to what I was saying. Tommy Cornell is nothing, but a joke. Him, and his girlfriend need to retire after 10 years of coutless pain, and losing streaks with an occasional win once in a while. Let me just tell you one thing. This match is not once in a while. Prepare well Tommy boy,and get-

[ The noise of the batchroom door opening, and closing inturrups Storm in the middle of his sentance as the woman walks out in a plaid bra with matching plaid panties. She sits on the bed, and waits for Storm to be finished.]

STORM: Why don't you do the honors Michelle.

[ The woman now identified as Michelle smiles]


[ Storm then gets up, and escorts the camera men out of the locker room.Once they are out of the room Storm begins to shut the door, but one f the camera men has one more question]

Cameraman: but Jay, what about the challenge made earlier by the GM of TEWF Steve Norman.

[ Jay shrugs]

STORM:Well, i guess that will have to wait untill next time wont it.

[ He then slams the door in thee face, and dives on the bed as the scene fades
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