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 Kaos Descends on the JWF........

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

Kaos Descends on the JWF........ Empty
PostSubject: Kaos Descends on the JWF........   Kaos Descends on the JWF........ EmptyNovember 18th 2006, 3:30 pm

The camera flickers on to show a pitch black, rainy night. A metal fence looms in front of it. A large rusty, gate is seen and above it is the words (written in old English) Gregory Hills. The gate creaks as the camera moves through it. The grass is brown and dead. Garbage from a past memory is scattered along the pathway leading to a mansion style building. Two wooden double doors with a G on one and an H on the other are cracked open. The camera enters the building to show a room with a reception desk and what seems to be a waiting room. Behind the desk is two hallways with rows of rooms and to the right, as you enter, is a spiraling stairway leading to the second floor. Mildew covers all of the existing furniture and linoleum flooring. Crooked paintings hang from the walls and papers are thrown throughout the place.

The camera slowly begins to move down one of the hallways until it gets to a room at the main end. A plated sign shows that the room is that of “Room 288”. The door opens to show Kaos is illuminated by the moonlight as he stares out of a window with bars criss-crossing it. He looks as if he is in a trance. He grasps a small raggedy, teddy bear with a missing eye and the stitches popping out of it. He doesn’t appear to notice the camera and continues to stare into the sky as if all the answers are written in the stars. He looks down at the teddy bear. Holding it close to his face tears well up in his eyes. They stream down his face. Suddenly, anger flashes in his eyes.

Kaos throws the teddy bear and begins to violently thrash about the room, punching the walls and flipping furniture over. He lets out a scream that is like one you would hear from someone condemned to a life in the deepest parts of Hell. He falls to his knees in the center of the room. Blood pours from his open knuckles. He speaks in a shaky voice filled with suffering.

“I am so sick and tired of this fucking place! I am always drawn back no matter what. I hated it when I was younger and I hate it even more now. There are so many memories hidden within these walls. I just want to take a blade and dig them all out of my head.”

He looks at his bloody hands and stands up. Turning a fallen chair back to its rightful position, he sits down heavy in it. Staring back at the moon he lets out a sigh. Sweat has perspired along his forehead and his hair is wet and matted to his face. A slight smile crosses his face.

“But enough about me, let’s talk about everyone else shall we? Let us begin with a so called King. Simply put Ron you are nothing more that an elder who wants to grab hold of his own youthful days. I have heard as I walk the shadows, that you were the original King of Flames champ. You probably were nothing more than a spoiled little brat sucking at the tit of your mother your entire life. Getting everything handed to you on a glorious silver platter. Nothing ever stays the same Ron, you need to realize your time was then, my time is now. It is time for the King to be dethroned, to wallow in the shit of the rats in his palace.”

He stops and takes in a breath. He pushes his hair back out of his face, the tattoo glowing like black coals on his pale skin. He continues.

“Now, moving on to Notty Pine, all I have to say to you bitch boy is you got what you deserved and no I don’t need your fucking help winning the title. Why would I want a washed up fucker like you on my side. You whiny little bastard, I watched you bawl your eyes out. Tamara is better off with Crimson Skull. She doesn’t need a pussy like you to take care of her. You don’t even know what real pain is and yet you act as if you do. If you hurt so much Notty why don’t you slit your wrists? Take away the pain. I will tell you why, because you can’t. It isn’t in you to do anything so rash. You are pathetic, just another poser wanting pity from the masses. Well, this Sunday pity is the last thing you are getting Pine. Your bitching is going to cease once and for all.”

Kaos stands up and walks over to a corner of the room and picks something up. It is the teddy bear he had thrown. He walks back to his chair and sits back down, looking the teddy bear over. It is light brown with what looks like blood stain all over it. It is in rough condition, with the stuffing falling from popped stitches. Kaos turns the bear in his hands as if it needs to be studied. A tear slides down his face. As he wipes it away, some of the blood from his hand smears the side of his face. He puts the bear down in his lap and looks at the ceiling as if trying to contact some God to help him find the path of righteousness.

Finally, I come to you Crimson Skull or should I say Man in the Mask. I try to forget my days here at the sanitarium, but I cannot forget the day I met you. I was a young child, so fragile and you knew that you fucking prick. I was out in the courtyard sitting near the fountain. It was as dark a night as this and you sat down next to me. I knew not your motives, but I was intrigued. I remember you said noting more than a gruff hello and then you blathered on about life and wishes and dreams. It was all bullshit.”

Kaos picks the bear up again and graps it violently.

“You gave me this saying it would fulfill all my dreams if I simply asked it to. I knew they were lies, but I was desperate and at the end of my choices for hope. No sooner did you give me this damn bear, you were gone. Once I got back to my room, THIS ROOM, that night, I look at the bear and thought of how idiotic it was to even think such truths. I grew into a rage at the thought of your sick lies. I took all my frustrations out on the bear and once I was finished I noticed a shiny object protruding from within the stuffing. It was a blade, my very first. I took it from the inside of the bear and studied it. I realized my dreams were all demented and that this blade WOULD fulfill my dreams. I knew then that you were to be taken down by my hand. You made me what I am today. YOU CAUSED ALL THIS! I swear I will get my revenge on you, crimson whore. I swear to get my revenge on this entire fucking world!”

He tears the stuffing out of the bear and with it comes a rusty, blood-stained razor blade. Kaos looks at the balde and cringes as if the memories were flooding his mind causing him an immense pain.

“The time is here for the whole fucking world to pay. The Angels have sounded their trumpets. The book of the damned is being opened. Time is slowing and the Gates of Hell are opening. This Sunday the fire will engulf us all and I vow to be the one to rise on wings of fire, while the rest of you perish!”
With that Kaos jumps to his feet knocking the chair over, once more. His back is to the camera. He rips open his shirt and takes the blade to his flesh. After a few moments, he is breathing harder and seems to be weakened. Kaos slowly turns towards the camera. Blood runs from the deep cuts in his chest. You see what is written, a date, “11-19-06.” The camera zooms in on this and then up to Kaos’s face. It is dripping with sweat, and the blood is still smeared on his face. He chuckles.

“In just a few more short hours the end of the world commences and the era of Kaos begins. May God have mercy on your souls, because I sure as hell won’t.”

Kaos lets out a scream and the camera goes into static. It then switches back on to show Kaos is no longer in the room. The camera zooms in on the teddy bear on the floor and then goes back to static.
Kaos Descends on the JWF........ Kaosbloodgj7

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