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 T'was the night before breakdown..........

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

T'was the night before breakdown.......... Empty
PostSubject: T'was the night before breakdown..........   T'was the night before breakdown.......... EmptyDecember 7th 2006, 2:23 am

A camera flickers on to show the outside of the Gregory Hills Sanitarium. Green and red Christmas lights flicker ominously around the building and upon the wooden double door entrance is a wreath made of barbed wire. In the center of the wreath is a large neon K. The camera goes through the door and you see that more light line the hallways and the banister of the stairs. As you near the all to familiar room of Kaos, you can barely hear Christmas music playing.

When the camera reaches the door you notice that there is another wreath, except this one is made of razor wire and in the center is the King of Flames championship. The camera pushes the door open to reveal a large black tree sitting in the corner of the room. Lights go around it and someone stands placing ornaments on the branches. They are wearing a suit resembling that of Santa Claus, except it is jet black and has chains and spikes adorned upon it. They wear the Santa hat as well, but it is also jet black and has a large ball of barbed wire, instead of the typical fluff ball, on the top. They place the final ornament on the tree and stand back admiring their work. Slowly they turn.

You see it is Kaos. He has a long, shaggy black bear that is tied around the back of his head and he smiles through the slits of his mask. There is a dark, foreboding twinkle in his eyes. He grabs his belly and laughs, throwing his head back as he does so. He looks back at the camera and points at the tree.

“Beautiful isn’t it. Christmas is such a wonderful holiday. It is a time for giving. It is a time for snowflakes to fall upon the tiny noses of children and adults get to drink their eggnog by the fire, before making sweet, passionate love to one another. ”

He sighs and smiles while shaking his head. He looks once more at the tree and back at the camera. His face has twisted into a grimace full of hatred and the sparkle in his eyes has been replaced by a flame so bright, the Devil would look away from it. He turns back towards the tree and with all his strength tosses it across the room. The ornaments shattered upon the linoleum floor. The lights flicker for a brief moment before going completely dark. Kaos grabs the hat from his head and throws it to the floor. He then commences to rip the outfit, to show his bare, scarred flesh underneath.

His breath is now heavy and he is hunched over as if in pain. He throws his head back and screams. He falls to his knees and begins to punch the ground. Blood pours from his knuckles and with each strike he grows weaker. Finally, he stops and collapses upon the ground. Through deep breathes he tries to speak.

“I hate Christmas. It is such an over commercialized holiday. It sickens me to see people fighting over worthless electronics to make their kids love them. It turns my stomach to know that for one day out of the year everyone seems to be the perfect person, because they can tie a fucking bow and wrap a fucking box.”

He places his hands flat on the floor and pushes himself up. He stands up and leans against the wall beside the barred window. The mask glistens with his sweat and his hair is matted to his head. He looks into the camera and the smile returns.

“Christmas is looked at as a time for happiness, but deep down in the souls of every man, woman, and child, they know that it is a time for chaos. Death runs rampant in the streets as the violence increases. People seem to become possessed and have one goal and that is to get what they want. Everything is turned upside down. I have never had a Christmas. My family always was to busy to show many any kind of humanly compassion.”

Kaos slides down the wall and sits heavy on the floor. His head tilts to one side and he stares at the wreckage of his former Christmas spirit. A tear slowly slides down the mask.

“Why didn’t anyone ever love me? Why was I the forgotten child on Christmas day? WHY!?”

He jumps to his feet and walks over to the bed and jerks the comforter off of it. You see the decomposing, broken body of the cameraman. His skin had no color and the blood had dried. His eyes were rolled back in his head and his tongue hangs out of his mouth. Kaos looks upon the body with disgust. He reaches down and grabs hold of the collar of his shirt. He pulls the body up closer to his face and begins to scream at it.

“While I sat under what my parents called a fucking Christmas tree, you were receiving fucking socks from your damned grandparents! While I took the ornaments and used there shards to slit my wrists, you sipped on hot chocolate sitting on your daddy’s lap! Now you will see what it is like to spend a Christmas with Kaos. This will be no silent night and the drummer boy is dead. The mice are decaying in the walls and the fire is raging in the fireplace. The snow is turning to ash and Santa has hung himself in his closet. This Christmas is my time for giving and receiving. I have made a list and there is no need to check it twice. Everyone will suffer…..”

Kaos slams the body harshly back down onto the bed. He then turns around and goes by the camera, which follows him. He opens the door to his room and slams it the wreath, with the title belt in the center falls to the ground. As Kaos walks a slip of paper falls from his pocket. The camera zooms in on him as he walks through the double doors to the outside of the sanitarium. The camera moves towards the slip of paper and zooms in on it. The words are written in dried blood and you notice that the slip of paper has the Gregory Hills Sanitarium symbol upon it.
Kaos’s Wish List

  • Fuck the World (crossed out)
  • Destroy that bitch Crimson Skull (crossed out)
  • Win the tag team titles from those BLPW cock suckers
  • Destroy those who get in my way at the Gang Warz PPV
  • Become the JWF World Champion
  • Create a world where everyone will suffer

As the camera pulls away from the paper, Kaos appears in front of the lens. The light gleams off of his mask, causing a temporary blurring of the image appearing on the camera. When the image comes back into focus, you see Kaos is smiling and tears are welling in his eyes.

“Merry Christmas!”

Kaos screams and the camera goes into a static. It comes back on to show Kaos beating someone with his closed fists. The static resumes. Suddenly, an the static dissipates and the face of Kaos is on the screen. Blood covers his mask and spit hangs from his demented smile.

“Tomorrow I cross number 3 off of my list. This will truly be my Merriest Christmas ever,”

The twinkle returns in his eyes and he tosses the camera. As soon as it hits the ground the image goes black and you hear Kaos doing his Santa Claus laugh.
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T'was the night before breakdown..........
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