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 Breakdown -1

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Mark Wilder
Lower Mid Card
Lower Mid Card

Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2006-12-22

Breakdown -1 Empty
PostSubject: Breakdown -1   Breakdown -1 EmptyDecember 27th 2006, 10:35 am

[It was so easy…playing various members of the WWA for fools. The look on Joe Santiago’s face was priceless and Mark couldn’t help savoring the moment to see Santiago go from victory to surprise and then total hatred for being played. Yes…this had been an interesting few days indeed. Sure his actions will no doubt have rubbed others the wrong way, but he doesn‘t give a damn. He came to cause shockwaves in the company…it‘s what he does best. At the moment, he‘s sitting at a small bar sipping a beer and watching the press conference footage on his lap top. He had seen the footage twice before since it was uploaded to the WWA site, but he thought it interesting to watch the reactions of the other wrestlers present at the press conference.]

A new order is coming…and those who can’t survive it don’t deserve to be here when it hits.

[He grins coldly as he looks at a recent fax containing his contract for Breakdown. Yes, he’s more interested in his match at Gang Warz, but first things first as the old saying goes. He can deal with Joe Santiago later, it was time to focus on his first match.]

So many tempting targets…a satanic knockoff, a wannabe vampire, a Peter Senerchia clone, and a few other jokers who probably won’t make it without protection from their masters at the corporate level. It’ll be interesting to see who bitches and whines when they get drafted to whatever brand that selects them.

[Mark isn’t worried too much about that. It doesn’t matter what happens with the draft. Wherever he ends up, be it Breakdown or Warzone, it won’t stop the shockwave as it reverberates through the WWA. He logs off the WWA site and takes a sip of his beer before he looks up at the camera.]

“You know, a lot of people have been asking me, ‘Mark why the hell were you masquerading as Requiem, what was the point?’ Of course, others will probably as why I was trying to stir shit up backstage and go out of my way to piss certain people off. Well, I could answer and say because I’m sick of some of the imitators and suck-ups who infest the roster like a cancer…after all, I wonder how much Vaseline the Crimson Dynasty goes through when they talk to the boss. Wouldn’t surprise me if Crimson Skull and his crew forked out a fortune on kneepads.”

[He snickers at that comment, knowing full well that Crimson Skull will probably say something, but he doesn’t give a damn what some idiot and his wannabe glee club of the damned have to say. They like to hide behind an image that might have worked back in the 80s and 90s, but that shit went out of style in the last century.]

“But enough about our resident ‘glee club of the damned’…let’s go to the other end of the spectrum and talk about my opponent…some angel obsessed, unhinged, and alleged lunatic who spends most of his time whining and bitching to God about how he’s had a shitty life. Granted his promos are far more interesting than the vampiric soap opera/B-grade movie shit that we see from Hallow Wicked, but it still doesn’t change the fact I’m dealing with some idiot suffering delusions that he’s on some sort of holy mission from God or something.”

[He shakes his head, smiling as he takes another sip of beer before he continues.]

“The problem with you, Kaos, is that you’re just like Crimson Skull…living a delusion and believing yourself to be something you’re not. Shit…I wish people in this industry would wake up and realize that, contrary to the shit they spew, they are not superhuman beings or avatars of some deity or something. For crying out loud people, that shit went out with the 90s. You Kaost, you call yourself the ‘Shadow Walker’, bringer of judgment and whatever pseudo-religious bullshit you like to spew. All I see is just a man who is so deluded in his little dream world that one little shove will shatter everything around him.”

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Kaos. Religion, as someone once said, is an opiate for those who need it as a crutch because they can’t face the reality of facing life on their own. They can’t justify their own existence unless they have some great quest or, in your case, a crusade to embark on. That kind of belief makes you weak.”

[He shrugs at the camera.]

“What can I say…I’m an atheist and I don’t buy into that kind of bullshit you or Crimson Skull like to believe in. All that matters to me is power, I don’t believe in some sort of good and evil shit. And when I say power, I’m not talking about the notoriety I get for getting a notch in the win column nor is it the kind of power one wields when they have one of those glorified paperweights they refer to as a title. No, the power I’m talking about is the fear you instill in your enemies when they see what you’ve done to your past victims. The kind of power you get when mere mention of your name has people looking over their shoulder and wondering when it’s their turn. There’s nothing like it, you know that? It’s the ultimate rush…having that kind of power over people. It’s even better when, by doing a few things here and saying a few things there, people end up playing right into your hands.”

[He smiles at the camera again, a cold malicious gleam in his eyes, as if he knows some sort of secret that others don’t.]

“You see, Kaos…things are going to change around here. You could say, pardon the pun, there’s going to be a little chaos as the WWA gets shaken to its core. And only the strong are going to survive what is to come. Unfortunately, I don’t think you have what it takes to survive that little storm. But look on the bright side, you aren’t the only weak one…The Crimson Dynasty, Hot Stuff Steven, and…of course…Beast.”

[He doesn’t bother to hide the mixture of amusement and disgust in his voice when he says Beast’s name.]

“You’ll have plenty of company down there…it’s just your bad luck you were chosen first, that’s all. But hey…feel free to bore me with one of your little crazed dramatic rants you like to call a promo. Just do me a favor and try not to whine too loudly.”

[He finishes off the last of his beer and tosses a ten dollar bill on the table as he closes the laptop computer. He then gets up from the table and faces the camera one last time.]

“But like I said before, at least your promos are more entertaining than Hallow Wicked’s shit. See you around, Kaos.”

[He gives the camera a mock salute as it fades to black before cutting to a commercial for Gang Warz]
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