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 A Forsaken past Bares Sour Fruit

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

A Forsaken past Bares Sour Fruit Empty
PostSubject: A Forsaken past Bares Sour Fruit   A Forsaken past Bares Sour Fruit EmptyDecember 11th 2006, 5:02 am

The camera flickers on to show a steady snowfall. It is a crisp white and is lying thick upon the ground. As the camera zooms in on the Gregory Hills sanitarium you see a figure standing upon the roof. As the figure becomes clearer you see that it is Kaos. He is still wearing the tattered Santa suit and it collects snowflakes as they fall. He holds something in his hands and is looking at it longingly. Tears run from his eyes and down the mask and fall onto what he is holding. He continues to look at it and with a quick turn, twists his head to look up into the Heavens. Snow begins to gather on his mask and clings to his dark hair. The moon shimmers like fire from the tears that have streaked the mask. Kaos looks back down at the thing that he holds preciously within his grasp. He places it in his pocket and stands closer to the edge of the Sanitarium.

The wind has picked up and his hair flows behind him. He closes his eyes, throws his head back, and stretches out his arms, allowing the wind to caress his entire body. After a few moments he places his arms down by his sides and looks down over the edge of the building. He cracks his lips and allows a painful sigh to emerge. The tears have yet to cease and he looks drained mentally as well as physically. In a raspy, low voice he begins to sing.

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.”

Tears come in torrents from his eyes and sounds of pain come from his mouth. He becomes frantic, bursting forth in a fit of depression like no one has witnessed.

“Why, am I forsaken!? The only people in my life that knew me, the real me, Kristofer Lazarus Kaos, was taken away from me! I was left alone for eternity to dwell each and every single day, and have no shelter from the cold hand of hate that has consumed my life. I am so weak from fighting this battle and losing every fucking second. I cannot stand to stare into the mirror and see this shadow that I have created as myself. I grow sick watching the fire consume me and create a mold of nothing but suffering. This is enough. I have had enough! Let’s see how this bastard world does without its scapegoat and fuck-doll.”

Kaos stares up at the sky and with his arms outstretched, mouths the words “I’m sorry”, before stepping off of the edge of the building. He spirals down, with his hair and tattered clothes flying behind him. Almost instantly he slams into the ground, bouncing off the frozen soil beneath him. He lays motionless on his back, blood beginning to seep from the corner of his mouth.

The camera zooms in on his eyes, which twitch and seem to be filled with anguish. As the camera gets closer the screen fades into the past. Three children, no older than eight or nine years of age, stand on the corner of the street. The snow is falling heavily and the children are bundled in jackets, gloves, and other winter apparel. They are singing “Let it snow,” at the tops of their voices. A few passerbyers have stopped to take in their angelic voices. They seem to be enjoying the attention, giggling in between the verses to one another. They all share the bright twinkle in their eyes, one of the utmost happiness. The listeners begin to disperse as the weather becomes increasingly worse, yet the boys continue their round of songs.

In the distance, a woman’s voice is barely audible, but can be heard to say “Kristofer, it is time to come home.” At this the boy in the center looks at his two friends and grins from ear to ear and exclaims that he has to go home. The other boys bid him farewell and continue to sing. As the boy begins to walk away, towards his home he hears the screeching of tires and turns around to witness his friends being struck by a car that had left the road and jumped the curb. The young boy’s bodies roll under the car like rag dolls and are flung out the back like exhaust. The car travels for only a second more before it comes to a complete stop and a drunken man gets out looking upon what he has just done.

The young boy, who was known as Kristofer, continues to look upon the accident in a paralysis. His eyes grow cold and spit hangs from his mouth. His skin is slowly becoming a pale blue. He collapses upon the sidewalk and begins to go into convulsions. Screams echo from around the area, as the incident is being acknowledged. In the distance, sirens are heard, becoming louder as they grow nearer.

The screen goes black once more to show the body of Kaos lying upon the ground. Snow has begun to pile on him and his eyes have shut. Blood has stopped dripping from his mouth and what had is now dried. His body still shows no signs of life and it seems as if his tormented existence has finally came to an abrupt end.

The camera begins to zoom in on his face to show the pale skin growing much paler, and the dark hair showing through the fallen snow. The mask is dented horribly from the impact. The camera stays put on his face for a brief second, before scanning up towards the sky to show a star twinkle brightly in the distance. It comes back to show Kaos’s face.

Suddenly his eyes open and a scream escapes his mouth. He rolls over onto his side and begins to cough up blood. He sits up painfully and holds his left arm. He begins to cry heavily again, rocking to and fro. He stops and pushes himself up, using his right arm. He falls against the Sanitarium and lays his head against the brick wall. He begins to plead.

“Why did they have to die? Why?”

He begins to limp away and as he does the paper that he had stuffed in his pocket earlier. As it falls it unfolds to show a photograph of the three young boys from the past, in a dog pile. They all have smiles that cross their faces. In the corner of the photo is written, “Ryan Nelson, Kris Kaos, & Jacob Gold 12/22/1994.” Along with the photograph, a newspaper clipping had fell. The words “Local Boys Perish in Drunk-Driving Accident” line the top and pictures of them are placed below it. Tear stains line the clipping. A gust of winds comes and flutters the photograph and clipping into the air.

The camera follows them as they fly into the night sky. An image of the two boys appears in the stars. Under the starry design a shooting stars flies by leaving flames that say “In memory.” The camera spans to show Kaos walking through the iron gate. It then flickers to static and you hear the crying of Kaos in the background before it goes to black.
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A Forsaken past Bares Sour Fruit
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