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 What is real?

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

What is real? Empty
PostSubject: What is real?   What is real? EmptyDecember 28th 2006, 1:23 am

The camera flickers on to show the Gregory Hills Sanitarium. The moon shines bright upon it revealing the mildew and the cracks that line the outside walls. The camera continues up to the large double doors and slowly goes through them. Scanning the area you see the destruction that was left from Kaos’s wrath in earlier days. The camera turns towards the hallway that holds the room of Kaos. It goes down the hallway and when it gets to the room, the door swings open to show the room has been finely decorated. The bed now has a comforter on it and new clan pillows. The walls have been washed down and popular paintings are hung upon them. A large fan light fixture hangs in the center of the room, slowly going around. A small round wooden table sits off in the corner, and across the table sits a figure wearing a dark grey suit. His black/white hair is tied back into a ponytail. His left eye glows with the white around the pupil and the other is as dark as night. A smile lines his face and he looks straight into the camera.

“So, Wilder, is this what you want?”

Kaos stops talking and raises his arms spinning them slightly to point at the entire room, before laying his arms back down upon the table. He holds up one finger and bends over beside him and when he comes back up he holds a beer. He opens it and takes a sip. He sets it down and reaches into his pocket, pulling a pack of cigarettes. He lights one and puts it to his lips, inhaling. He blows a puff of smock out of his mouth and looks back into the camera.

“Is this more comforting for you, Wilder, seeing me as a normal man, sipping a brew, and smoking a cig. Does this help you to lie down and sleep at night knowing that their can be nothing more than mortals walking this earth. You know I knew from the very beginning that you would be nothing more than a thorn in my side, I just didn’t believe that you would be this hard to dig out of my flesh.”

Kaos shakes his head and stares down at the table, flicking the ashes from the cigarette into the open beer. He looks back into the camera.

“You know you can say what you want about me. You can say I am on some divine plan, and that I am some religious nut, but at least I am not someone who doesn’t see outside of their own damn box. You can be a realist all you like, but as for myself I am a dreamer, and that is something that someone like you will never be. This will always be your downfall, Wilder. You do not think outside of the box, because within the box you are snug and comfortable. You know what you know and there is nothing else. It is time for you to wake up and realize that even if you don’t wish to believe, there are things that you cannot comprehend. Things that go beyond what is normal and these things are what continue to make the world to go around. Without difference, everything would be the same. There would never have been any revolution or rebellions. The world would still be under one rule and everyone would be drones.”

Kaos laughs and shakes his head.

“But I guess that is what someone like you wants, to simply be another tiresome drone, rambling on about being “real.” You do not know who you have decided to mess with, because in the deep recesses of the mind is where I lie in wait. I am not something you can believe in, because it would cause you to go into a meltdown.”

Kaos stands quickly slamming his hands down on the table, causing a loud echo to go throughout the building. He stares into the camera and screams.

“You want to see the real me! This is the real me! I am the shadow walker and you just don’t know any other way to handle it than to criticize and judge. You think that I am afraid of you, Wilder. I fear no man.”

Kaos grabs his hair and jerks it loose from the ponytail. Then in a rage he jerks the coat of the suit off and tosses it across the room. Kaos then grabs the shirt he is wearing and rips it off himself, the buttons clattering to the floor. The large cross tattoo seems to glow brighter than it ever has. Kaos grabs hold of the table and flips it. He then walks towards the camera stopping before he goes out of focus.

“Wilder, I am not going to stand by and watch as you continue these senseless rants. You want to mess with the light; I just hope and pray that you have enough belief in you atheism to conquer it. I hope you understand what you have unleashed. I am not like the others you have faced. I will not allow you to win no matter what occurs. I will stand victorious over your sprawled out body. I will not stop there, oh no. I will make sure that every breath of life that is in your lungs is gone. I will send you to God and allow him to decide your fate. You are not worthy of my judgment. You are not worthy of human life. You think you can handle me, well then get ready, because here I come!”

Kaos quickly rushes by the camera and it follows him as he goes down the hallway. He reaches the double doors and looks back to see if the camera is watching. Over his shoulder in just a barely audible voice he speaks.

“I will not allow you to tell me who I am or who I am not, Wilder. I am what I am; you need to just accept that.”

Kaos throws up his arms with his hands open towards the doors. He screams and a burst of light spews forth form his hands shattering the double doors. He walks out of them and stares out into the street, soon turning his attention to the stars. He speaks into the sky, but it is inaudible. He stretches his arms out and suddenly a beam of light strikes him and the entire area is illuminated as if it was day. The camera goes into static and when it resumes Kaos is nowhere to be seen. The camera races out into the night and scans over to see Kaos crouched down besides the opening. He looks at the camera as though he has been caught. He puts his hands up to his mouth in a fake fear. He begins to laugh and stands. He speaks in a criticizting tone.

“Whoops, looks like you caught me Wilder. I was just using my lights to create a fake image. Good golly gosh!”

Kaos shrugs and continues to laugh, but then becomes serious. He walks towards the camera and it begins to back up. Kaos walks by it and stands in the center of the yard. He places his arms out and begins to scream. The entire earth seems to shift as cracks begins to race along the ground from where Kaos stands. In the distance you hear car alarms start to go off and lights begin to come on in the houses. Kaos screams louder and the cracks get larger and flames begin to shoot up from them. Suddenly, bright light begins to flood the area from the Heavens. Kaos continues to scream as the flames shoot higher and the light becomes brighter. Wings begin to sprout from his back, no longer just a pair. Three wings line each side of his back. On his left side are three angelic white wings and on the right is the charred, tattered wings.

You see the gate of the sanitarium rocking and then it collapses. In the distan ce you see a house implode in on itself and a sudden peak in the ground causes a car to go flying through the air strking a house. Kaos stops screaming and puts his hands to his sides, but the flames continue, as does the light. He walks forward out into the street as people rush out to see what is happening. Kaos begins to hover over the ground. He then speaks to the multitude.

“It begins now!”

Kaos looks into the camera and smiles as the light beams down on him. Suddenly flames shoot up directly in front of the camera and it goes into static. You hear the cameramen screaming as he burns. The camera falls to the ground and shuts off, buts comes back on to show the charred face of the fallen cameraman. You hear Kaos laughing in the distance shouting Wilder’s name, as if searching for him. The camera goes to black.
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