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 Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1 Empty
PostSubject: Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1   Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1 EmptyApril 2nd 2007, 12:45 am

Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1 Meldicset


[A voice speaks up, very familiar. Fuck it, you all know who it is.]

::Sometimes I wonder why I even bothered to be the best. No matter how high I got, the shit continued to pile higher and higher. No matter who I beat, and by what great marginal they suffered defeat, there were still the few who felt I was over rated.::

::It's why I know I'm the best.::

[The voice goes on!]

::They try to tell me that Legacies fade out... that nobody remembers one thing... or for that matter... one man. I say that haven't read the entire story all the way through. I say that they are living in some fictional paradise that they create for the sole reason to escape me... my wrath... and my actions. I am a Legacy... and I am far from fading.::

::Just ask any man on the roster::

[A small chuckle is heard]

::I've called myself everything from a cornerstone, to a king. Self proclaimed or not, each name has become something more. Wrestling GOD, King; they all point to one thing. They all describe the one person who took the dreams of many, and turned them into a reality. They describe the one man who was able to overcome every hurdle in his path, and prove that he was the greatest to walk this earth.::

::Yet there are still the nonbelievers.::

::The one's that fail to accept what is the truth, and remain in their sheltered lives. It's what they do to survive. Who can blame them? They were born weak, and continue to grow weaker.::

[The voice picks up again.]

::Weaker in mind... body... and soul. All opinions of Me aside, removed your fogged glasses from the view... and then tell me what you see. It should be clear... like the sun peaking itself over a snow covered mountain... I can be seen. However... clouds tend to get in the way, taking away the true beauty that is before you.::

[Johnny Stylez's voice and face is seen]

::Everyone hates the one who doesn't follow everyone else's expectations. They hate the men who step out from beneath the curtain of leaders, and form their own path to their destiny. Everyone hates the man who takes the easiest route to accomplish their goals. Only because the haters weren't intelligent enough to make their own path to glory. They hate what they couldn't think up on their own. I have been hated because I am someone who dominated everyone else, yet still decided to begin my own pathway to stardom.::

::You all hate me because I succeed. I hate you because you can't accept I'm better.::

In the end, there is no good nor evil. There are only the ones who follow, and the others who lead a separate path to fame. I led that separate path. You only hate what you don't understand. We are something that frighten you. Only because you have no way of knowing how to overcome the blemish in your career, for which we represent.::

[He smiles]

::Enough of this shit, Bout time I get to the matter at hand, Jhonny Fourtune!::

[A shrug]

:::Fourtune, This match is a joke, But I couldn’t let this cat run his mouth and act like he is something bigger then he really is! Eighter way, Im ready for this challenge, Im ready to strip Fourtune of his “Jhonny“ name. Like it or not Fourtune, I am simply the better wrestler this week, there’s nothing you can do to change that Fourtune. You need to face the facts that I’m simply better then you, I don’t call myself the trendsetter because it sounds fancy, I call myself that because it happens to be true. I go out there each and every week and set a trend of being the fastest rising star around here bar none. You go out there every week and Job…I mean fight to try and stay known hoping that one simple victory will actually make you look like your important. It doesn’t… besides you’ve already proven that when the game is on the line, you’d rather pass the buck off to someone else.::

::Your gonna defeat me?::

::Your gonna need to show up first!::

::You can’t seem to want to be the one taking the match in your hands and through the use of wrestling skill making the match swing to your favor no instead your inclined to just sit there and pretend that your no-shows don’t effect your status! Then you enter two matches unprepared and wonder why your getting your ass kicked, following it up with a shit load of bitching and moaning?? Whatever Fourtune, stop making excuses and start thinking up some new first names!::

:: “Insert new first name here” Fourtune, I will out wrestle you and prove to the world just like I’ve been doing since I’ve got here, that you don’t have to be the biggest man, to be one of the best. In the end being big doesn’t make you good, being good, makes you good::

::If you ask me, so far this week “Insert first name here” you’ve been a broken shell of what you say you are, We saw a short flash and nothing more. It must feel like a year since you last won a match, I mean when you think about it “Insert your first name here” you really should just stick to running your “D” federation and leave the wrestling to folks who know what there doing. Stop trying to become a solo star, because to be honest it doesn’t suit you not one bit. I mean really “Insert First name here” what are you trying to prove? There’s an old saying of those who are great are world champions, those who will be great are the rising stars, and those who will never be truly great are Federation Heads!::

::”Insert first name here” If you find comfort in saying nothing till the last minute so be it. If your content reliving past successes to try and still sound like you’re a main player instead of stepping out there busting your ass and proving it week after week like I do. That’s fine, If you feel like stiffing me this week, then that’s fine to, do what makes you happy it’s been doing wonders for your careers so far hasn’t it. I didn’t think so but hey what do I know right I’m just a former two time champion, the number one contender, and the holder of the Title savings contract… so what could I possibly know or do right?::

::Well let me answer that, I know more then you do obviously. I mean come on “Insert first name here” you wanted this match, and still nothing from you? Have some balls step up and get your ass beat by me with some damn dignity, face it that will happen because just like your making the same mistakes you have the week before and you’d think that you veterans would see that and learn from your mistakes but I guess you can’t, I guess its true, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.::

::Really Fourtune, how many times can you stay quiet and then all of a sudden you come out with a big flurry of words after the bell has rung. I guess that’s why you don’t get to in depth with things or everyone would know your just blowing smoke out of your ass. So you go through things kinda quick, our you don’t go through them at all, like your just going through the motions so that you hope nobody will pick up on the fact that despite all your “so-called other federation” accomplishments and things you still aren’t as knowledgeable and as skilled in this ring as you’d want everyone to think. Seems to me like your at about your peak level right now after all these years and that’s where your you’ll always be. Just face the facts “Insert first name here” the top of the ladder for you is the jobber level. Me on the other hand I’m already part of the BIGGER picture, and I’m on my way above that, and I’ve done so light-years ahead of you, and Ill always be ahead of you…::

::They still be chanting JOHNNY STYLEZ!::

::When it comes down to match time you my friend are fucked. There is no way with the lack of work ethic you have shown and the lack of seeing the warning signs until it’s to late that you will be able to win in a match against me. I’m much to focused, prepared and ready for anything and everything you might bring my way. You don’t have to believe me though, I mean you can go and make that mistake also, go right ahead and think I’m not ready, it’s all fine with me. Come match time you’ll learn that I was telling the truth and nothing but, you wanted to know what I will do when this so called mauling your going to lay on me starts … well I’ll tell you … when you get to that stage of trying to maul me. That will be like when you back the proverbially animal into a corner, then if at that point I will break from my element for a while to strike out and do whatever it means for survival. Do you think that your back lockeroom area trash talk will get me worried? No it won’t, if I have to fight tooth and nail to create space for a second from this mauling I’ll do so, if it comes to that… once I create space, or cause you to make a mistake, which will be easy in your current state of not being focused or prepared I’ll simply out think and out maneuver you, then before you know it your attempted mauling will lead you straight into The End Result, where you will learn that skill and technical prowess always beats all out laziness!::

::This JOHNNY never looked soooooooooooooooooooo good!::

- Malediction.

---End Feed----
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Will the real Johnny please stand up! #1
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