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 King of the Throne Match

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3 posters
Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

King of the Throne Match Empty
PostSubject: King of the Throne Match   King of the Throne Match EmptyJanuary 20th 2007, 8:37 pm

Halloween Hell
JWF World Heavyweight Championship
{Guest Enforcer: G.I. Joe}
Joe Santiago (vs) Steven Daunhauer (vs) Joe Lancaster
Brick (vs) The Android


Mountie: Now it’s time for the Main Event

Morgan: here are the rules:

Starts off with 2 wrestlers.
Every 2 minutes another wrestler comes down
except the first time then it‘s 5 minutes.
At anytime a wrestler can scale the ladder to get the belt and end the match.
After all the members of the match are in, Pin falls and Submissions Count.
If a wrestler is pinned or made to submit, he must spend 2 minutes in penalty Cage.
The first Wrestler to pull down the belt wins.
No DQ.

Mountie: great lets get started with the first two.

Morgan: I’m ready, but it doesn’t look like G.I. Joe is going to make it.

Lights go out in the Arena
Gently by Slipknot starts to play
Lights go back on with Spotlights on Joe Santiago
so you can only see an outline
The Spotlight follows Joe Santiago to the ring
He steps up on the apron and walks to the corner
He climbs the and lifts one arm in the air then goes inside the ring
and walks the diagonal corner, climbs and puts one arm in the air.

Mountie: Wow, Joe Santiago has to start it off.

Morgan: that’s not a bad thing, you could win the match before anybody else comes out.

Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley hits the airwaves and the crowd goes
nuts, jumping up to their feet and staring eagerly at the entrance in
anticipation as they await the appearance of JWF Superstar Joe
Lancaster. Eventually, Lancaster steps out from behind the curtain,
wearing his trademark red sweater and plain blue jeans, and the crowd
goes wild, chanting "JOE! JOE! JOE!" Lancaster looks kind of
embarrassed and waves a bit at the crowd as he makes his way to the
ring, climbing slowly up the steps so he doesn't pull something. The
ref holds the ropes open for him and Joe climbs inside the ring, gives
another wave to the crowd, and blows them a few kisses before "Blue
Suede Shoes" comes to a close with the fans still chanting Joe's name.

Mountie: ha-ha, I knew it Boofa did it again.

Morgan: of course the two good guys, are going to start it off, that sucks.

Mountie: No it doesn’t we do get to see the tournament finally for 5 minutes until someone else comes out.

Morgan: that’s a good point, plus one of them can win quickly.

(Bell Rings)

Mountie: here we go, they lock up in the middle of the ring and Joe Santiago is much stronger.

Morgan: Joe Santiago puts Lancaster in a side headlock and cranks up the pressure on his head.

Mountie: Lancaster with a backdrop to Joe Santiago and Joe Santiago kicks up and clothesline Joe Lancaster.

(Joe Santiago goes outside the ring and gets one of the ladders by ringside)

Morgan: Joe Santiago brings in the first Ladder and sets it up under the belt.

Mountie: Joe Santiago could win it early, but Joe Lancaster stops him at the top of the Ladder.

Morgan: they are fighting directly under the World title if one of them falls off the other one will win.


Mountie: Joe Santiago with four big shots in a row and he pushes Joe Lancaster off the Ladder.

Morgan: But Joe Lancaster lands on his feet and bounces off the rope sending him into the Ladder.

(the ladder falls over sending Joe Santiago backwards out of the ring)

Mountie: That didn’t look good at all.


Morgan: Joe Lancaster is all alone in the ring and he sets the ladder up under the belt again.

Mountie: This isn’t good the match is about to end.

(Lancaster makes it to the top of the Ladder)

Morgan: Look there’s Joe Santiago, he bounces of the middle of the top rope and clotheslines Joe Lancaster off of the Ladder.

Mountie: that was to close.


Morgan: Both men are down in the ring, Joe Santiago is using the ropes to help himself up.

Mountie: So is Joe Lancaster.

Morgan: they both turn around and Thriller, Joe Santiago caught him with the Thriller.

Mountie: out of nowhere he Thrillered him.


Morgan: Joe Santiago makes his way up slowly and he starts to climb the Ladder.

Mountie: He needs to climb faster.


Morgan: he is half way up the Ladder and Joe Lancaster has his right foot.

(Steven Daunhauer runs to the ring and Leslee follows)

Mountie: Joe Santiago is at the top of the Ladder.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer pushes Joe Santiago off the ladder and hits him with the Hot Shot.

(Joe Santiago rolls out of the ring)

Mountie: Steven Daunhauer is looking at Joe Lancaster and is stalking him.

Morgan: Joe Lancaster is up and Steven Hot Shots him, Steven lifts him up and throws him out of the ring.


Steven is climbing the Ladder, he jumps off because Joe Santiago is
crawling in the ring, and now is stomping Joe Santiago on the ground.


Morgan: Steven is climbing the ladder again, he is making his way to the Top

(The Ultimate Android, with Owl following behind, he runs to the ring and climbs the ladder stopping Steven at the top)

Mountie: Another battle 15 feet in the air, the Android and Steven Daunhauer pounding the hell out of each other.

(Joe Lancaster brings another ladder into the ring)

Morgan: Lancaster is setting up a ladder next to the other one, and is now hitting Steven and the Android.


Mountie: Steven Daunhauer falls off the ladder and Joe Santiago grabs his leg and pulls him out.

Lancaster and Android are still hitting each other. Wow, Joe Santiago
put Steven on our announce table and hits him with a monitor.


Mountie: Joe Santiago goes into the ring and climbs the original ladder.

Joe Santiago: Android get on that ladder I want you and Joe to push this one.

(Brick is slowly making his way to the Ring)

Morgan: Did you hear Joe Santiago?

(The Android goes to the other ladder, him and Joe Lancaster push Joe Santiago’s Ladder for him)

The Ladder is tipping, Joe Santiago bounces off the rope and launches
through the air and connects an elbow through the announce table and
through Steven Daunhauer.

(Crowd Screams!)
Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!



(the announcers headsets are cut off)
(Leslee is checking on Steven)

Morgan: Are we back on? That was amazing both Joe Santiago and Steven Daunhauer are both out.

Mountie: Brick Powerbombs the Ultimate Android off the Ladder and climbs up to fight Joe Lancaster.

Morgan: Lancaster connects the Eye Poke and now Brick pokes Lancaster in the eyes and fall away slams him off the ladder.

(Joe Lancaster rolls out of the ring)

Mountie: Brick is up, but behind him is the Ultimate Android with his kendo stick.

Morgan: Brick turns around and gets whacked in the head.


Mountie: Brick goes to the penalty cage and is busted open.

Morgan: The Android is all alone and is climbing the ladder.

Mountie: it’s Boofa, he is climbing the other side of the ladder and both men are fighting.

Morgan: Boofa is trying to screw the Ultimate Android out of the title again.

(Brick is brought to the penalty cage)

Mountie: Joe Lancaster pushes the ladder and then Android and Boofa fall out through a table?

Morgan: Joe Lancaster set up that table when we weren’t looking.

Mountie: Joe Santiago is starting to get up and he hits Steven with the monitor.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is busted open, and Joe Santiago rolls into the ring and stops Joe Lancaster at the top of the Ladder.

Mountie: Joe Santiago and Joe Lancaster are fighting above the ring, Thriller off the Ladder.

Morgan: Joe Lancaster is hurt, but so is Joe Santiago.
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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

King of the Throne Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the Throne Match   King of the Throne Match EmptyJanuary 20th 2007, 8:38 pm

Mountie: Hey, here comes G.I. Joe!

(The penalty cage opens and G.I. Joe slams the door in Bricks face)

Morgan: G.I. Joe got some revenge on Brick and is now carrying away Boofa.

(G.I. Joe Carries Boofa to the back and come back out)

Mountie: He’s doing his job now.

Morgan: Steven Daunhauer is up and he get a Ladder and puts it in the ring and now he gets a Table and puts it in the ring.

Mountie: Look at the other side of the ring, The Ultimate Android did the same thing!

Let me count, 4 ladders and 2 tables. Both Steven and the Android have
set up there ladders and are bringing there tables up with them.

Mountie: They’re making the bridge like a couple of weeks ago on War Zone!

(Both men put there table connected to another ladder but there is a gap in between them)

Morgan: either man could reach and get the belt, I think the Ultimate Android has it, wait it’s going up?

Mountie: No your crazy.

Morgan: no look it is going up now the belt is 30 feet in the air instead of 15 feet.

(Camera cuts to control booth)

Mountie: Its Boofa he’s making the belt go higher, he screwed the Ultimate Android again.

Morgan: Damn, hey he also screwed Steven Daunhauer

Joe Santiago and Joe Lancaster both have tables and Joe Santiago is
climbing Stevens ladder and Lancaster is climbing Androids.

Morgan: they set the tables to connect the two bridges!

Mountie: wow now all four guys can fight, and they are.

Morgan: look, brick and G.I. Joe are fighting and Brick hit’s a low blow and Brick has a Ladder and puts it in the ring.

Mountie: Brick is bringing the Ladder up to the super bridge!

He passes the Ladder to Steven who his Joe Santiago with it sending him
down to the ring, Joe Santiago is Bleeding all over the ring and the
history of Blood continues!

Mountie: He is gushing!

Steven sets up the ladder to the left of the belt, and Brick passes up
another Ladder to the Ultimate Android who sets it up to the right of
the belt and everyone starts climbing.

Mountie: It’s Brick fighting The Ultimate Android and Steven Daunhauer fighting Joe Lancaster, 30 feet in the air.

Morgan: they are all so close to the belt, G.I. Joe is climbing the Ladder to the Mountain of doom I’m going to call it.

Mountie: Joe Santiago is setting up a 3 table pyramid by the stage.

G.I. Joe is pushing Brick and Androids Ladder and it tips sending Brick
and The Ultimate Android through the Pyramid of tables Joe Santiago set

Mountie: Why did he do that, he caused The Ultimate Android the belt.

Morgan: He also caused Brick the Belt and now he’s climbing down and Joe Santiago is climbing up.

Mountie: G.I. Joe is passing Joe Santiago the Ladder brick and Android were on and Joe Santiago sets it up.

Morgan: Joe Santiago, Steven Daunhauer, and Joe Lancaster are all on top of the Mountain of Doom.

Mountie: G.I Joe Is Setting up a Table in the ring for some reason?

Morgan: He is laying on it? I think he wants to take a nap.

Mountie: Joe Santiago is Hitting Joe Lancaster who is next to him and only a few feet away.

Morgan: Look at Leslee she is climbing the Mountain of Doom with a chair.

she gives Steven the chair and he blasts Joe Lancaster sending him
falling off the Mountain of Doom through G.I Joe and his table. Both
men are hurt.

Morgan: Joe Santiago jumps onto the same Ladder as Steven Daunhauer and they are the only two still moving in this match.

Mountie: Joe Santiago smacks the chair out of his hand and punches him to his bleeding head.

But Steven hits him to his bleeding head, Joe Santiago Poked Steven
Daunhauer in the eyes and has him set up for the Thriller but Steven
elbows out of it and hot shots him through the Middle of the Mountain
of Dooms Tables!

Mountie: the rest of the mountain is falling!

(Crowd Screams)
This is awesome!
This is awesome!
This is awesome!
This is awesome!

Morgan: That was awesome, but not for Joe Santiago, Leslee puts Steven on top of Joe Santiago


Mountie: Joe has to go to the penalty cage?

Morgan: unfortunately yes.

Mountie: Wow, Joe Santiago and Steven Daunhauer went through the middle tables, that was amazing!

Morgan: G.I. Joe is up and is dragging Joe Santiago to the Penalty Cage.

(Joe is in the Cage and they Lock the Door)

Mountie: The Ultimate Android is up and in the ring setting up a Ladder.

Morgan: He is climbing the Ladder and there is no one around to stop him.

Mountie: Wait the belt is still 30 feet in the air. He can’t reach it.

(G.I. Joe runs up the Stage and heads toward the back)

Morgan: I think he’s going to make up for pushing the Android off the Ladder by lowering the belt for him

(camera cuts to G.I.. Joe Choking out Boofa with a Cobra Clutch then he lowers the belt)

The belt is lowered and The Android has a hand on it, but Leslee is
slapping him and hitting him, The Ultimate Android Chokeslams her off
the Ladder.

Morgan: The Ultimate Android touches the belt and
gets whacked by his Kendo stick, Brick is making his way up the Ladder
and they are both fighting for the win.


Mountie: Both men are reaching for the belt and Brick has two hands on it but the Android is connecting big body shots

Morgan: Joe Santiago pushes the ladder over sending the Ultimate Android out of the ring, but where is Brick?

Mountie: He is hanging on with both hands to the belt holder 15 feet in the air.

He cannot go for the belt or he will fall, Joe Santiago and Steven
Daunhauer both set up Ladders to each side of Brick and bring chairs
with them.

Mountie: Brick is holding on for his life. Joe
Santiago and Steven Daunhauer both blast him to the ribs with there
chairs, and Brick falls to the ring.

Morgan: Joe Santiago and Steven both drop there Chairs and start fighting

Mountie: Joe Santiago Bashes Stevens head into the top of his ladder and he goes for the belt.

Morgan: It is in his hand, but it went up again, what the hell, did Boofa get control of the Belt holder again

Mountie: Steven Pushed Joe Santiago’s Ladder sending him out of the ring.

Morgan: The Belt lowers and Steven Daunhauer pulls it down and is the New JWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Mountie: Yes, Yes, Steven Daunhauer on his birthday wins his first ever JWF World Heavyweight Championship! There is a God.

Morgan: What happened, Joe Santiago had the win.

Mountie: No, he did not Steven Daunhauer had the Win!

(Camera cuts backstage to G.I. Joe still in control of the belt holder)

Morgan: That bastard G.I. Joe helped Steven Daunhauer Win the JWF World Heavyweight Championship.

G.I. Joe is the hero of the JWF, he saved us all from a Joe Santiago
title reign, and G.I. Joe just became one of my favorite wrestlers.

Morgan: What a way to end one of the greatest Pay-Per-Views Ever, that was a bad ending.

Mountie: not to me, that was the greatest way to end it.

Morgan: You have to join us this Tuesday, for a special War Zone.

Mountie: Thank you for watching this amazing Pay-Per-View.

Morgan: Good Night.

(Camera Fades with Steven Daunhauer on Stage with the Belt)

(Joe Santiago hurt outside the ring)

(Brick inside the ring with hurt ribs)

(Joe Lancaster still through the table in the ring)

(and The Ultimate Android outside the ring sitting by the steps)
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Greg Rex
Main Event
Main Event
Greg Rex

Number of posts : 53
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-02-17

King of the Throne Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the Throne Match   King of the Throne Match EmptyMarch 25th 2007, 1:54 pm

nice match
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 55
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-04-05

King of the Throne Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the Throne Match   King of the Throne Match EmptyApril 8th 2007, 10:44 pm

i agree
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