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 The Crimson king returns to his throne.

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

The Crimson king returns to his throne. Empty
PostSubject: The Crimson king returns to his throne.   The Crimson king returns to his throne. EmptyNovember 28th 2006, 7:37 am

[Crimson Skull is standing beside Kaos’ unearthed grave. He sees that Kaos has escaped. He begins to laugh solemnly.]

“Ah, Kaos. You have came back from the dead. Once again, you have ‘fallen’. I find that amusing Kaos. You say you will rise, but I have news for you, if you are a fallen angel, then you will continue to fall again and again. You took me to my limit Kaos, and I to yours. But in the end, I was the victor. This battle will last for the rest of our lives Kaos, and you know that as well as I do. We will not rest until one of us has put the other away for good. But I am going to face you for your title on Breakdown, Kaos. And this time we will be confined to a steel cage. I know that this match shall not settle the score either Kaos, for I have the perfect match in mind to end this rivalry, Kaos. And it will take place at the aptly name PPV The End.”

[Crimson Skull enters his shack, where Tamara has just closed the closet door. Crimson Skull goes over and sits in a chair behind a table. Tamara comes from behind him and places her hands on his broad shoulders and begins to rub them. He speaks.]

“I see that you have undergone some changes in these past few hours. And I can’t but say that I am proud of you, you needed the change, and you needed to be stronger. Hopefully I have shown you what you need to be stronger physically as well as mentally. No longer will I deal with you as a student or as a child, I shall now deal with you as a mortal enemy. For you are the fallen angel, and I am the risen demon.”

[Crimson Skull pushes the table away and stands up out of his chair. He walks over to the closet door and opens it. The vortex of souls inside is whirling rapidly and Crimson Skull opens his arms as if to accept them all in.]

[the camera fades away and then fades back in to a different surrounding. The camera is now showing a remote location, it seems like a desert and there is a poorly built home in a vast open area. You see a child playing in the yard with his small toy trucks and little people. A woman walks out onto the porch and yells at the boy.]

“Victor, get inside honey, its time to eat. You are going to get sunburn staying out so long.”

[the boy turns and smiles at his mother.]

“Okay mommy.”

[as the boy is rising up, you can hear a faint rumble getting louder and louder. The boy looks around to find the source but sees nothing. The mother is shielding her eyes from the sun and looking into the sky for what the noise is. She sees a large plane flying in the sky in the direction of the house. The small boy sees what his mother is looking at, and the child begins to jump up and down, waving at the plane.]

[inside the cockpit, there is a pilot and a coilot.]
Pilot to copilot: “Looks clear, doesn’t it?”
Copilot to pilot: “All except for that small house and people standing outside.”
Pilot to copilot: “Like I said, it looks clear. Deploy cargo.”
Copilot to pilot: “Alright, if you say so. Cargo deployed.”

[back down to the boy and mother.]

“Victor, they can’t see you, go get the mail from the mailbox for mommy, and hurry.”

[the boy takes off running towards the mailbox just a few yards away, when he reaches the mailbox, he hears a sound of large rumbling and the faint scream from his mother. He looks into the sky and a huge object is getting larger and larger as it descends upon the house. The boy takes off running towards the house screaming for his mother. When the object hits ground, it explodes send everything up in flames, the impact sends the boy flying backwards and away from the flames.]

[the sound of a siren can be heard in the distance and the child is slowly trying to raise himself. We see that his face and palms of his hands are burnt badly as those were what was hit by the explosion.]

[the camera statics and fades away, then fades back in, to a younger, newer, and newly renovated Gregory Hills Sanitarium. There is a child sitting at the reception desk, his parents on either side of him. A patient is being wheeled by past the family. The patient has bandages wrapped around his face, only revealing his eyes and the lips of his mouth. As he rolls by the child looks at him and smiles, the patient smiles back. The child’s parents leave him and exit the building in a hurry, each pulling out a cell phone. The receptionist speaks with the child, but the child obviously isn’t listening. So the receptionist takes him to his room.]

[The patient is lying in his bed in silence, when the silence is broke by the whimpering of a child. The patient rises from his bed and finds the source of the sound, it is coming from his vent.]

“Hello? Why are you crying?”

“Who’s there? I’m not crying. Who are you?”

“My name is Victor. You don’t need to cry. What’s your name?”

“My name is Kristofer. I am only crying because my family left me.”

“Its ok young one. I have no family either. We can be friends. I can teach you much.”

[the camera fades away and all that is heard is the echoes of “we can be friends”. The camera fades back in and Crimson Skull is standing with his back to the camera and his arms spread out open. He slowly lets his arms drop to his side and closes the door to the closet. He turns to the camera and he has a different mask on, this mask is completely black. In fact there are only streaks of what looks like blood flowing from the eyes. He speaks.]

“We all must undergo change Kaos. And my first step into change my threshold for pain.”

[Crimson Skull picks up two shards of glass. He smiles as he runs the shards down both his arms from the bend of the elbow to almost six inches from the wrist. He then squeezes his hands in a fist, with the shards still in his hands, the blood pours in a continuous stream onto the floor.]

“Anyone can mark themselves with scars Kaos, but it is the mental scarring that makes a person different from the other, and the scarring that I will bestow upon you, will be more than you ever imagined. For I am the shadow of death that casts over your soul.”

[Tamara walks over to Crimson Skull and places her hand on his shoulder. With the other she runs her finger across the wound he just made on his forearm. She licks her finger. She then speaks.]

“Thursday night, the king returns to his throne. The Crimson King returns, Kaos. Are you ready?”

[both of them begin to laugh as the camera fades away to the echo of their laughter.]
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