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 Black America: Debut

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Ron Smith
Ron Smith

Number of posts : 17
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-02-03

Black America: Debut Empty
PostSubject: Black America: Debut   Black America: Debut EmptyFebruary 5th 2007, 6:50 pm

The camera comes on and we see Warzones newest member Ron Smith, sitting in front of a Red, Yellow, and green Black fist flag! He adjust himself before speaking.

Ron Smith: Welcome to the Black Power Hour! Im not gonna set here and shot the shit with your white trailer park Hick fans! Im just gonna cut to the chase! I left KWWF, not to wrestle again! Not to Wrestle for any white federation…I just couldn’t bring myself to lace up my old boots. It just wasn’t the same. There was nothing special to me about walking out wearing the banner of a white wrestling Company. So, determined not to sell out to the white man, I announced my retirement from professional wrestling almost quietly and with a whimper. It was a sad end to a career that had taken me to the top of the industry and immortalized me in the eyes of several million people.

Ron: But wait…If I’m retired then just what exactly am I doing in front of this camera right now? Why have I found my way to the WWA?

Ron: But, I thought you were not motivated enough to wrestle, Ron? Thought you said this game has gone to white for you? I thought that the KWWF was your spiritual home and only that one place could lay a claim to your talents? The questions start to beg, don’t they? So, let me put a few rumors to rest.

Ron: I have never been about money. I’ve had thousands of letters flooding my home already asking me why I sold out and allowed myself to sign to the WWA. Of course, quite a few fans are thrilled because they once more get a chance to see one of the greatest athletes of his generation in action. And they support my mission of brining black America to a home front. However, I’d estimate at around 70% are disgusted with my decision because they felt that I was an ethically wrong sound character. A Bad role model, even. An Horrible icon.

Ron: There are no role models in this world. There are just people that the public put blind trust in without ever really knowing the person they’re putting their faith in.
How many of these people that dare to write offensive letters to my home actually know me? None. Yet, they continually judge me and bombard me with abuse when they believe that I’m committing some kind of sin. So, what? I’m a sinner. We all are. The fact is that my sins are just ever so slightly more public and therefore I’m the one that gets the media coverage….Pathetic really, isn’t it?

Ron: That’s the way of the world though. Pathetic little white people run about with their pathetic little lives. Most of these people will never impact upon society and will never have the power to change public opinion…yet they judge a person like me; someone that does have the power. At the end of the day that’s what we’re all competing for. Power.
When you look at an athlete like me, it’s pretty to establish that I’ve got some kind of physical advantage over normal men. I was gifted with a figure that enables me to crush men both twice my size and half my size. There’s no denying that the brute inside of me is partly responsible for my position in the wrestling world. However, I’d also like to think that a lot of it is to do with the talent that I’ve had to work with and mould into my own. I’ve not just relied upon my physique to win me the big matches – it’s always been very much about brain power. I’m a tactical genius. Self proclaimed, of course…but you can take my word to the bank because it’s air tight.

Ron: When you mix brains and brute and Black Power then you find yourself with an unstoppable combination. Guess what, kids? That just happens to be me. However, I didn’t intend to use this interview to inform the ‘super’ stars of the WWA to tell them about how I’m going to mow them down one by one and take their titles…I intended to use this interview to talk about the sole purpose of my return to the wrestling industry.
And brining Black America to a rise.

Ron: The place is in my blood. Hell, I still stare at my Hall of Fame inductee certificate above my mantelpiece every day simply because I’m damn proud of what I achieved there. The day that the KWWF died, I lost more than a wrestling Company. I lost a friend. I lost a family. I lost my belief in wrestling. Hell it made me hate the white folks even more!

Ron: I led a normal Black life for a time. I was able to live off the earnings I’d made in the KWWF and I was set up for life. The plan had been made. Ron “Tookie” Smith would simply laze around in his country mansion and wait for old age to catch him up. Early retirement seemed like the only option that my personality would allow. Give me time to fight the power…Take out the MAN! However, that all changed just a few short weeks ago.

Ron: But I couldn’t allow myself to just sit and watch one of the greatest wrestling Companies in history to become nothing short a laughing stock. Yet another thing killed by the white man! That’s what is wrong with this line of work, and in this country today!

Ron: I signed a contract with the WWA to prove to the world that some of the KWWF old boys aren’t content with wrestling Joe Bloggs every week. I want to face the best that this Company has to offer. However, I’m not out here to start demanding World Title shots because…and watch my lips when I say this…your World Champion KNOWS that when I want his title then I’ll damn well take it. Aint no white fucker gonna stop me!

Ron: My goal here is far greater than any World Title. It’s about respect. After I’m finished with restoring the Black name to greatness by proving to the world that your top guns, your federations elite themselves then perhaps I’ll consider taking on your so called Champion. That World Title belt is meaningless whilst I’m around because anyone that holds it knows that I’m the man to beat.

Ron: Title or no title. I’ve made my intentions clear though. It’s time to ensure that my career in the KWWF wasn’t for nothing. I’m not allowing my own dynasty to die a shallow death purely because of some White jokers thinking there the best thing, since peanut butter (Which btw was invented by a Black fellow). This Company has cried out for a real shock to the system. Now, you’ve got Ron “Tookie” Smith and I’m going to turn back the clock and prove why I earned the reputation as the most sought out man in wrestling.

Ron: February is Black History month, and it’s the start of the biggest Black man takeover to ever hit wrestling! Power to my people!

Ron Smith lowers his head and throws his fist into the air…sending the promo to an end…

-- This message was paid for by the movement of the Black Panthers…Its time to change the face of wrestling! ---
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