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 This time there will be a winner!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

This time there will be a winner! Empty
PostSubject: This time there will be a winner!   This time there will be a winner! EmptyMarch 18th 2007, 11:36 pm

Always takin things for granted -
- You’re such a hypocrite

The words “An Experience of Heart” rolls across the screen on a black background in white lettering, as The scene begins with Hart standing outside smoking one of his many cigarettes. Folks tells him he needs to quit but Hart won’t. It’s something about the smooth menthol that he enjoys. It’s something about the taste he can’t ignore. He places his right hand in his coat pocket and continues to puff the death smoke in front of his face.

‘You ready?’ a serene voice beckons from his right side. His lovely wife, Jessica, emerges from around a corner with a bag in her hand, containing various footwear, lingerie, and other accessories.

Hart: I was waiting on you, babe

He mouths to her, cigarette perched on his lips, and Jessica looks dead at it. Hart knew what she was thinking. Hart was always one to pick up on what women were thinking. Call it a sixth sense or call it luck; it’s what makes Hart…a… Legend.

Jessica: ‘You know I hate you doing that’

she said and with the swing of her hand, smacks it out of his mouth and onto the pavement. With the snap of her 2 inch heel, the fire dispersed into the ground. Jessica clutched to Hart’s arm like a steel trap as they walked down the street. Her mink coat kissed his mink coat as people stopped and stared at the two. Not in an awe striking way, just in the jealous way. People were always jealous of Hart. His looks, his money, his women, his cars, anything he had people wanted. It’s why he’s so hated. Could be his attitude, but I doubt it.
They make their way towards Hart’s Lexus, when what looks like a female fan comes rushing up towards Hart. Now, Hart has been known to have more female fans that male fans and he’s alright with that.

Hart: ‘Uh, can I help you little girl?’

Hart spewed out his mouth while opening the door for his wife. Jessica climbed into the car and closed the door herself. She knew Hart had lady admirers. She didn’t care anymore.

‘Are you Hart?’ Pfft. Who does she think she’s talking to? Richard Simmons?

Hart: ‘Nope. I’m just the cat who looks like him’

he mutters before chuckling to herself. The woman looks at Hart and rolls her eyes.

‘Figures you’d be the same in person as on television. Can you sign this piece of paper for me? My boyfriend really likes you,’ she spouts as Hart takes the pen from her. With viscous strokes, he etches :Hart: and throws the paper back at her.

Hart: ‘And here…’

he mocks while reaching into his pocket and gives her twenty bucks. He’s such a nice fellow.

Hart: ‘Go buy yourself some titties. Bitch.’

‘Go fuck yourself Franky’ she says and walks away in a huff. Franky? Fuck her. Hart makes his way over to the driver’s side of the car and opens the door forcefully. Jessica’s perfect eyes dart their way over to Hart as he turns on the car.

Jessica: ‘What’s wrong?’

she asks but he simply ignores her and turns the volume up on the radio, drowning her out. She leaves Hart alone and starts to text one of her girlfriends as the two drive onto the interstate as Hart’s cold eyes stare through the glass. I don’t blame him either. Fuckin bitch.

- Don’t you see I’m talking can’t you wait until I’m done?


Hart: One thing stands between two men. One thing defines one man and defines what one man wants to be. The AWB Championship gold is what this is all about. Not respect and not anything else. This is for all the bragging rights. This is for everything we’ve both dreamed of.

It’s Hart vs. Crimson Skull. It’s The Entity against The Killer.

A Heart Killer? A triple Crown Killer? Not a chance.

Skull, don’t make this match anything else. Don’t try and force the thought of respect down my throat. Don’t try and gag me with words of you wanting this one chance to face the sleeper pick of the JWF. This is about championship gold and that’s all it will ever be about. It was great you beat Stylez and Wicked to earn a spot in the Breakdown Main event of War Games. But not to toot my own horn, But even I could have pulled that off. It’s been coming down to this since you pooped up on my show. You were to be my opponent on my big return to the top. You were to be the first victim of a newly born God. Unfortunately, that was put on hiatus. I can’t say you’re going to be the victim of a newly born God this time. Oh no.

You’re going to be the victim of an Entity.

You’re going to be the victim of a man who puts the asses in the seats and the one who keeps you employed. You’re going to be the victim of the one who has done it all and beaten them all. The list ranges from Tails to The Warrior Chance to Christian Faith to just about everyone who has crossed paths with me. You’re about to be the victim of the man who brought JWF back from its knees to the promise land. I mean hell Im a Three Title man, the first one to ever grace the JWF! Im the triple crown champion!

Skull, are you ready?

This match is not going to be for the faint at heart. You see, there is more to this match than you understand. When I get past you, everyone else is cake because I’ve beaten them all. You I haven’t beaten.


This is what I live for. I live for people like you to try and take what I’ve earned. I want you to give me a challenge Skull. I want you to bring your best. And when I bring my best, it will always trump you.


Believe in destiny and believe in hope. Believe this is a Legend vs. Legend match. You’re not a legend and you never will be. You’re nowhere near my league or anywhere above it, as you might want to claim. You’re the thing on the bottom of my shoe that’s bugging the shit outta me. You’re the pounding ache in my hand right now. I want to get rid of you but I have to wait. Wednesday is when I get rid of the pain. Wednesday is when I take out Skull and add him to the end of a tagline. It’s a tagline you should be proud to be on. It has hall of famers, Champions. You will be proud to be at the end of that list. You will be the last person I destroy on my way to history. See I AINT HAPPY with just three championships, Because you see Im moving on to War Games to become the contract holder of the JWF title savings championship! Then you all can call me the Four crown champion!

You’re the last thing in the way on my way to achieving immortality here in JWF. Skull, bring the talk of you being the savor of this company. Talk about you wiping out this entity and becoming a legend yourself. You’ll never be a legend while I’m still breathing.

You’ll be another piece of shit. You’ll be another tag line. You’ll be wanting to finally become a legit champion, instead of being handed it. To bad it aint gonna happen!

That’s right Skull, I aint forget about the screw job that took place a few months ago, Nope! BUT THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT! This time, you aint got the GM in your back pocket to hand you a title, Nope!
As a good friend of mine has told you before…

The Classics Never Die, Bitch.

Fly, watch your fuckin sunset
I can’t remember when I ever heard you say
Thank you for everything you gave, I’m so grateful
(Hang on) to your fallen sunset

Sevendust :Clueless:

OOC: Went a different road with this RP, change style a bit...As always feedback is welcomed...
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