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 Dark Match #1

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Dark Match #1 Empty
PostSubject: Dark Match #1   Dark Match #1 EmptyOctober 30th 2006, 5:16 am

[I find this all to be rather funny. Since my signing with the JWF, More than ever, I have tons of haters trying to bring my name through the mud. The mud that all their names have dwelled in since the start. BLUEballs, How many times do I have to beat this clown, or a guy better than them to prove that I am the greatest to ever live? I'll probably go undefeated for the next twelve months, and still, I'm a nobody. I'm just a guy who gets lucky. Isn't that amusing? When I am so talented, that every assclown thinks they can be me. But there is only one Johnny Stylez, and I have proved that repeatedly. I have proven myself over and over. How many more legends will I have to verbally destroy? How many more Hall of Famers do I have to embarrass by just using my words? I don't think it will ever end. When you're at the top, there’s only a bunch of talentless wannabes looking for your spot. I haven't given it up yet, and I doubt I will anytime soon.]

[I laid next there in Bed, my arm wrapped around Jada, comfortable as hell. I didn't want to get up, but I had a busy day ahead of me. I had an autograph signing today. I didn't normally deal with the public, but I figured I would this time. I knew I had tons of fans, and tons of haters. I wanted to see what the turnout would be.]

[I got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom. I hadn't put on anything, I was quite comfortable being naked; and I knew Jada would be watching. God was I cocky. I looked in the mirror and smiled; finally happy with the direction and myself my life was going in.]

Did you want to come to the signing Jada?

Jada: If you want me to of course I'll go but that's only if you want Stylez

[She sat up in bed and wrapped her arms around her knees. She watched him intently as I stood in front of the mirror naked. This wasn't the first time I’ve had walked around naked in front of her, I was proud of my body; She however was getting so She knew how to play the same game I was. She wasn't completely naked, She was wearing one of his button-up dress shirts and a pair of shorts. She got out bed and walked over to the same mirror I was at, She stood beside me and checked her own appearance. She tried to act aloof to what he was doing, but secretly She was smirking to herself. She took the ponytail holder out of her blonde hair and let it fall seductively to her shoulders. She then stripped out of the shirt to reveal a pink lace bra, She then walked over and slid off her shorts. she then slid on a pair of jeans and a tank top.]

Jada: So yeah if you want me to go, I would be more then happy to Babe.

[I walked out of the bathroom and to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of boxer briefs and slid them on. I walked behind Jada and wrapped my arms around her waist, lightly kissing her from her ear down to the bottom of her neck. She smelled wonderful.]

::Stylez:: Of course I want you there. I won't last on my own.::

[She turned in my arms and faced me as we continued to share a couple of short kisses. The attraction between us was unbelievable. She still gave me butterflies. I was getting used to it though, I enjoyed it far too much.]


[We arrived at the signing, half an hour before I was supposed to start. They had asked me to come earlier, but they should know by now that Johnny Stylez makes his own schedule. Jada and I walked to the back of the Barnes and Noble, and met with some of the security guards. They assured me there wouldn't be any problems. I then met with the women in charge of the autograph signing. She gave me a run through of everything, but I was hardly paying attention. I was gazing off at Jada, giving her a smile as the lady continued to ramble. When she finished, there was still fifteen minutes to kill. I took Jada by the hand and led her to a back room. I cornered her against a wall and stared in her eyes.]

::God, why did I agree to do this. We could still be in bed, laying down, comfortable, and relaxed

Jada: Well...Once this gets over with today we can go home and I will do anything to make you feel relaxed. Whatever you want me to do, I will okay?

[She said this with a loving smile on her face. She knew that he would have rather been at home but She also knew I needed to do this autograph signing. She just wanted me to be happy and this business is what made me happy. She would have done whatever it takes to make me happy and that is why She went with me to these sorts of things. It was not to see the female fans that were nothing more then little sluts who wanted to fuck my brains out. And hey sometimes, this ol’ dog did stray every now and then. She hated seeing that and felt sick to her stomach any time one of them came near me. She looked at me and hugged me lovingly.]

Jada: "I love you Jason and I will always do whatever it takes to make you happy, never forget that."

::Heh, I know, it's appreciated.

[It was time to greet the fans and sign their autographs. I walked out from the back, through the corridor that the management had set up for me. As I walked out from behind the curtains, I came to face hundreds and hundreds of screaming fans. I could still hear the obscenities being thrown in my direction, but I shook them off. I waved, and shook the hands of a couple fans. The women were screaming, not to mention the younger girls crying and yelling my name. I had to do this kinda shit more often. Hell Im the bad guy getting this response…go figure! It only stroked my ego even more. I walked to the table I was at, as Jada sat beside me; security guards behind me. There was a microphone set up, I guess I had to speak. Whom did I want to diss publicly?]

::I'd like to thank you all for coming. I didn't realize that I had such a huge following. I thought you people hated me. Anyways, I’m more than willing to sign all of your photos, magazines, and other memorabilia, Then Ill tell you all to go fuck yourselves!::

[I know, I sounded REALLY lame. I couldn't think of anything to say. I wasn't going to burn them fools in the dark tag-team match at a book signing, that would be way too easy. I'd end up doing it in my studio where I usually burned my opponents.]

[The autograph signing was underway and I began to sign all sorts of items. T-shirts, pictures, body parts. I think I did it all. I was signing various female body parts, yet still managed to keep it clean. I saw Jada the entire time, she looked stressed out. I felt bad for her, I couldn't wait until this was over. Then I could go home and relax with my homegirl. God it sounded so comfortable.]

Stylez:: It's almost as if this federation is being handed to me facing Jobbers. But wait, them boys Boring Killers, and the Rip off’s Job Squad got it in there heads that there Icons in this here federation. Two teams whose name comes with such high praise, that if they have never heard of them, then you're not a true fan. The truly Boring Killers and the Soon to need a Job Squad are men who made this federation. They truly think they are the god of tag – team wrestling!::

:: And if you believe that shit, will then you’ve been watching puffing off BLUEballs private stash…because It's all bullshit! Everyone Knows Im the GOD around here!::

::You four dumbasses should do me the favor and take the night off, I'm in control. Because lets be real even with me being teamed up to a bunch of hacks, you four still can’t beat me! No excuses, no reasons. You're not what you fools think you are. Not that it truly was anything special to begin with. I mean how confident can you be if you name you’re team the Naturally BORING killers…and Rip off a name…JOB Squad…This is my time now. I've proven I'm the best, and I've proven that I can beat anyone. Ask BLUEballs. Christ asks the entire roster. They'll tell you that Johnny Stylez IS King of this here game!::

::They know who runs JWF! Only matter of time for you fucks to realize it!::

::Sure here comes your next promos. "Stylez, what makes you the KING? What have you done to make you the KING! Were the KING’S of tag matches!” Please. Must we go through this? Which would all be bullshit…I cut three promo’s since being here, and the Buzz has never been so load in the lockeroom! Ever since I came here, you’ve been cast in to the shadows. Sure you four may have had success in other federations, but it was before the newer blood arrived. It was before I came and took the throne around here! How many haters do I have to impress? How many times do I have to beat a legend in order to be respected?::

::Who knows? Who cares?::

::My name still means something, while your four fake names are being pissed on. Yeah, by me. I don't respect you four. Never have, probably never will. When I look at you four I see four will over-rated talents. Four guy’s who has won nothing, and lost many! God damn give me a break. You can't win against me! No one can!::

::You Four can't win THIS match.::

::The cards are laid out in front of yous. You Four have stepped up, to show everyone that you are the MEN. You never were. You four NEED to win this match in order to get your credibility in order. Not to mention Braggin rights! You four have been on a slide since signing to JWF. We all know it; we've all seen it. So being the man I am, I agreed. I took your match, and now I'm running away with it. You cats can say whatever you like.::

:: Folks see this as four never-was true wrestlers trying to make something out of there meaningless stints in this game. They see you four trying to compete with a superstar of the next generation. They all know you've expired. They all know that this is your way of trying to succeed. It won't happen. It can't happen. We can't have an no talent as the face of this company. You four been outdone. Stepping in to a match you four won't make it out of.::

::I wish I could have helped you all::

::Because truly, it is too bad. It's sad to see a four man who can't even get there foot in the door, with out some Asshole slamming it shut. Sure you four were creative before. Well again with the team names…Maybe creative isn’t the word for you. All I see is jealousy, because I am the guy you four want to be. I am the man who can lead the JWF in to bigger and better things. I've been chosen to lead the troops in to battle. I've been chosen to lead the destiny of greatness. You four thought this was still your time, but you've been replaced…Bout time! You've been outdone…Bout time! But hey at least you four can get your chance, at War zone.:;

::You cats get to be a name on the long list of fallen competitors.::

::You get to be a name. What you four were all along. Just a name. A bad name. I figure it's time for me to show the people who the true King of JWF is. It saddens me to say that you four won't ever be in the throne.::

::I'm going to make you cats respect ME.::

::If you think different your delusional. Come on, be real with me for a moment. It's good to see you cats have filled your head’s with false confidences. I mean I truly am happy for you four. But the fact of the matter is, you four can't even out talk me. You can't bullshit a bullshitter. Is that how the saying goes? Just like my Team mate BLUEballs you four recycle your garbage over and over. Give me something new, something fresh. I expect you cats to show me something decent, and you throw crap in my direction.::

::I can't tolerate that.::

::Christ, I'm not even going to be able to make you four look good in that ring. A match that your involved in is simply a shit show. So go smoke your herb, Hell Im sure BLUEballs would share, and fry those last few brain cells you have.::

::You cats looking passed me. ::

::There's your first mistake. I wouldn't worry my fools on my team, until you're done with our match. If you can even walk on your own after I'm done.::

::Let me be real with you for a second.::

::As a few curtain jerkers, you cats aren't getting the job done. Wait, here's an idea. Why don’t you go out and compete for the hardcore title. It seems that that competition is more on your cats level. You cats know the rookies, and guys who couldn't cut it. I mean how many guys are riding my dick in their promos? They mention my name to get heard. They call me out just to get some main event airtime. Is that what you cats are going to do? Use my name to try and get your teams over?::

::It's won’t work. Just like your attempt of having a wrestling career. You fools are a joke. The four of you’s are only going to get laid out and flattened. I'm Johnny Stylez, and you four are the team of BORING and KNOCK OFFS. Establish yourselves, and then come back to me. I'm more than willing to teach you cats something about being a Wrestling God. Because kicking you four ass will be far too easy…::


--End Feed---
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