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 Debut (Dark Match RP)

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Nathan Hellsing

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Debut (Dark Match RP) Empty
PostSubject: Debut (Dark Match RP)   Debut (Dark Match RP) EmptyNovember 16th 2006, 12:34 am


[It's been a while since I've stepped into a wrestling ring as a competitor in a dark match. But hey, I guess that's just what happens when you "disappear" for a while. I guess some of my actions in recent months have made promoters, as well as fans, wonder if I'm still "The Incredible One". Well, I guess I'm gonna go out this Sunday night and prove to the whole wrestling world that I truly am still the best in the business. I'm gonna have to literally start at the very bottom and work my way up to the top of the ladder. But hey, I've done it before and I sure as hell will do it again!]

~Scene 1: Breaking The News~

(Our scene opens to reveal none other than Nathan Hellsing sitting in a bar with his wife Jeniffer, and his former tag team partner from XFL, Dale Adams. The three are sitting around a table conversing and drinking beers. A young man of about 22 or 23, walks up to Nathan and Dale with a t-shirt reading "The New Age Degenerates" in hand.)

Man: Hey... could I get an autograph? I'm a huge fan of you two.

Nathan: Sure. No problem. Gotta pen?

Man: Yeah, here...

(He hands the pen to Dale.)

Dale: So... who am I making this out to?

Man: Robert.

Dale: Alright.

(He signs his name and writes "To Rob" on the shirt and then hands the pen to Nathan.)

Nathan: So... how long you been a fan of myself and Dale?

Man: Since you were in WWA and since Dale debuted in XFL.

Nathan: Cool. Well, here ya go man.

(He finishes writing his signature and then hand the shirt back to Robert. Rob shakes hands with both Dale and Nathan before walking away. Nathan looks over at Dale.)

Nathan: Shocking you still got fans.

Dale: Hey, want me to kick your ass right here, man?

Nathan: I'm just messin', bro. Speaking of which... I got a job again. But, shockingly... I'm being dark matched.

(Nathan speaks just as Dale takes a drink of beer, causing Dale to spit beer all over and laugh his ass off.)

Dale: Seriously?

Nathan: Yeah.

Dale: Well, I'll be damned. Nathan Hellsing - a jobber.

Nathan: Well, don't worry... it won't be for long. Because I will prove that I deserve to be World Champion.

Dale: Whatever man. Whoa! I gotta go. See ya.

Nathan: Yep.

(Dale stands up and leaves as we fade out.)

~Scene 2: First Appearance~

(We see Nathan Hellsing pacing back and forth in the backstage area. The camera zooms in and he stops pacing. He then begins to speak.)

Nathan: This Sunday night, I return to the ring. Granted, it's a dark match. But I'm not gonna complain. I'm going to earn my way to the top, no matter what it takes. You see, I've been on top, but I've also been in the gutter. I'd consider myself in between right now. Because I'm not in the gutter... I'm not on a constant losing streak. I don't have someone kicking my ass night in and night out. But I'm not the dominant force either. I've got to prove that I deserve to run with the big dogs still, and that's exactly what I will do. Sunday night will be a new dawning in Nathan Hellsing's career. My opponent will understand why he's a true jobber and nothing more than a mere "test" that newbies to the JWF must take upon arrival. There will be bloodshed in this match, something that rarely, if ever at all, happens in a dark match. This goes out of the thousands of fans who will be in attendance that night - be prepared to see a new dawning in my career, as you will be the first ones to see it. You'll see the new me even before the TV audience. I will walk away victorious and I will be on my way to becoming the JWF World Champion!!!

(With that, he walks off down the hall until he can longer be seen. The camera fades to the Nathan Hellsing logo, then to a JWF logo. Then, the date "11-19-06" flashes on the screen. The camera fades to darkness...)
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