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 The Agreement (Dark Match #2)

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The Agreement (Dark Match #2) Empty
PostSubject: The Agreement (Dark Match #2)   The Agreement (Dark Match #2) EmptyOctober 30th 2006, 11:45 pm

[Joe Mama lies in bed. His eyes slowly open, but only a little. He stretches his arms out and rolls over, grabbing the pillow next to him and cradling it as his eyes slowly close again. Suddenly, they open as he shoots up in bed and looks around.]

Joe Mama: What the…

[Joe Mama quickly realizes that he’s not in his bed, but rather a stranger’s. He moves around a bit before sighing in relief.]

Joe Mama: At least I’m not chained up… but how did I get here?

Woman’s Voice: You passed out.

[Joe Mama rubs his eyes a bit to see a little clearer. An attractive figure dressed in a slim black dress stands in front of him, albeit her face shows that she’s quite a few years older than him. He struggles for a second before bits of the puzzle begin coming to him.]

Joe Mama: Betty… where… why… how did I get here?

Black Betty: You just asked that. Like I said, you passed out.

[Joe Mama glances underneath the bed sheets. He’s surprised to see he’s still wearing his jeans. Black Betty smirks and has a seat on the end of the bed… her bed.]

Joe Mama: Damn, I don’t remember much at all.

Black Betty: Yeah, well, drinking half my bottle of vodka would do that.

[Joe Mama rubs his head as Black Betty continues to smile, raising her eyebrows as she patiently waits for Joe Mama to string words together.]

Joe Mama: Did we… What… What did we do last night?

Black Betty: Not a whole lot. We came here, we talked some, I offered you a drink, we talked some more, you had quite a few more drinks, we continued to talk, and then…

[Black Betty tilts her head a bit and flashes a mischievous grin. Joe Mama stares at her for a second.]

Joe Mama: And then? Then what?

Black Betty: …then you passed out.

[Joe Mama scratches the back of his matted black hair as he looks a bit disappointed.]

Joe Mama: Oh. I’m sorry.

Black Betty: Sorry for what? Last night was the most interesting experience I’ve had in… well, too long, I guess.

Joe Mama: Oh.

[The two grow quiet for several moments. Finally, Joe Mama speaks again.]

Joe Mama: Wait… so what did we talk about?

[Black Betty continues to grin.]

Black Betty: Oh, a little of everything.

[Joe Mama looks a bit nervous.]

Black Betty: Don’t worry, it wasn’t anything earth shattering.

[Another pause in their conversation occurs. Black Betty finally breaks it by climbing up in the bed to the headboard. She picks up a pack of long, slim cigarettes and a long, black cigarette holder with one hand and an ashtray and a pack of matches with the other. Black Betty sets a cigarette in the holder and holds it in her mouth, lighting a match, which goes out before she can reach the end of the cigarette. She tries again, but fails. Joe Mama takes the pack of matches and strikes one of them, lighting the cigarette. Black Betty inhales and exhales some smoke before lowering the cigarette and turning to Joe Mama.]

Black Betty: So you’re the Dark Match World Champion, huh?

Joe Mama: Yeah.

Black Betty: Ok, I wasn’t sure if you were just telling drunken tales.

Joe Mama: Ugh… I wish I could remember what I said.

Black Betty: Well, you did say you had two matches on Tuesday.

Joe Mama: Yeah.

Black Betty: Don’t some you guys have managers?

Joe Mama: Yeah, some. I guess I could use one.

Black Betty: Well, I don’t know much about wrestling, but I did manage a salon for over twenty years. I mean, if you’d like, I could probably help you out.

Joe Mama: Really… you’re THE Black Betty?

Black Betty: Live and in living color.

Joe Mama: You ran the salon in the hardest neighborhood in Parts Unknown!

Black Betty: Yep.

Joe Mama: Whoa… I heard you once twisted a guy’s testicles completely off when he grabbed your ass.

Black Betty: Well, there’s probably some truth in that, but don’t believe everything you hear, sweetie.

Joe Mama: I think I just found my manager.

[Joe Mama turns some in the bed and extends his hand. Black Betty shifts her smoke into her left hand and shakes his hand.]
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The Agreement (Dark Match #2)
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