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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

KAOS Empty
PostSubject: KAOS   KAOS EmptyNovember 14th 2006, 6:55 pm

* Wrestler Name: Kristofer Kaos

* Nickname: Kaos

* Age: 21

* Hometown: In my tormented dreams

* House (WHERE HE LIVES): The shadows

* Weight: 280lbs

* Height: 6'8

* Favorite Specialty Match: Inferno matches or anything dealing with weapons.

* Entrance Music: "Complete and Utter Confusion......" By Fear Before the March of Flames

* Alignment(face/heel): Does it even fucking matter

* Years Wrestling: Just started to heal the pain

* Quote: Optional: "Even angels fall......"

* Finisher: Broken Heart Plunge

* Finisher Description: Kaos pulls the opponents arms behind them and lifts them up with them. He holds them in the air for a brief moment allowing them to be in pain from the hold. Then he places his right hand in the center of their back and pushes them between his legs, as he falls with them. They hit on their stomach and face.

* Bio/Backround: Kaos doesnt let many people into his life. For most of his childhood he was mocked and ridiculed. THis caused him to have an immense hate for everyone around him. His parents always told him he was worthless and the only friends he had was those he made in his mind. After awhile Kaos found himself finding pleasure in his own pain, using anything sharp to slide across his skin. He loved the feel of blood pouring from his open wound. It was such a rush. Then one day he cut to deep and almost persihed at his own hand. He didnt care tho. He was sent of to Gregory Hills Sanitarium, where he was until he became of legal age. He had pretended to be rid of his demons, but they had only built up inside of him. He hopes the JWF helps him to control these demons. God knows they dont need to come out.

Now that Kaos has seen his inner demons, whether they be good or evil, he is ready to move on to a new path. Although, the path is full of laughter and balloons, you have to wonder if the Kaos that was once known in the WWA will resurrface. Also, you have to think, what caused this transformation? We may never know!

The Klown has died and may it live as an example that happiness is nothing more than a false hope. You cannot run from your problems. Kaos learned this and now he is back to show the World, to what extent he has been pushed. No longer the laughing stock, he is now back to his original stare, albeit abit more demented.

* Attire: Kaos has long, straight black hair that shimmers and flows as he moves. His shirt resemebles a straight jacket with the buckles and clasps. It is black, however. His pants are baggy with chains twisting around the legs. He wears gothic style boots. He, also, has tribal tattoos along both arms, along with one covering the right side of his face.

* Fighting style: He uses power moves, but relies alot on aerial and speed attacks. He occasionally uses weapons, and cares not to make others bleed.

* Move List:

1. The Sorrow (Kaos slams the opponents head into the turnbuckle and as they are recovering performs a reverse rock bottom in which the stomach hits the mat instead of the back)
2. Tears of Heaven (Kaos pulls his opponets up to the top of the turnbuckle and performs a jackhammer with a pin)
3. Dreamland (Kaos does a fury of punches bringing the opponet to his knees. He then runs into the ropes to the back of the opponet and does and enzuguri kick to the back of the opponets head)
4. FTW (Kaos places the opponet face down on the bottom turnbuckle and runs to the oppostite turnbuckle. He takes off towards the opponet and when he reaches the opponet he grasps the top turnbuckle for leverage and pushes himself into the air. With all his weight he come crashing down onto the opponets head on the bottom turnbuckle.)
5. Rx (Kaos does a reverse angle slam where the opponet hits face down instead of on their backs)
6. The Spiral Into Darkness ( A spinning powerbomb into a ddt)
7. Descent Into Hate(A triple german suplex witht last one being a release german suplex)
8. Fall From Grace (A huge moonsault from the top turnbuckle)
9. STW(Suffer. The. Wrath. [THis is a submission in which Kaos puts a cobra clutch on the opponet and raises him off the ground])
10. Tasting Dirt (A big boot)
11. The Waste-Plex (A suplex from the top turnbuckle that is turned into a modified stunner)
12. Edge of Sanity ( A viscious clothesline)
13. Soul Sanctum (A modified pedigree where the opponet is picked up by his arms and piledrived into the ring)
14.Tear-Drop (A Gorilla Press Slam except Kaos puts a spin on them as he tosses them up in the air)
15. Smiley(Kaos stretches the opponents mouth into a smile and commences to smash their face into the top turnbuckle)

*Sample Roleplay: The camera scans into a small corner of a dark room. Dim red light is all that illminates the room. You see somehting in the shadows. You can make out it is a man, but you cna only see his hands placed upon his knees and the bottom half of his face. A tear slides down his cheek.
"God, why did you choose me as the sacrificial lamb? Did I deserve this shit I have been forced to take for my entire life? I can't handle anymore. I am breaking. I feel the pain coming. It is surfacing....."
He lets out a scream and stands up thrashing around knocking over random things in the room (tables, chairs, etc). Suddenly a mirror cathces light and he stares into it. His hair is tangled and messy. Sweat is dripping from his forehead. You see his eyes in the mirror. They are dark and seem to hold all the hate in the world in them. He stares at himself in the mirror.
"Fuck you! I hate you!"
With that he punches the mirror. Shards of glass fall to the floor. His image now gone, he stares at the blood pouring from his hand. He bends down and picks up a piece of the glass and runs his finger along the edge. A drop of blood forms on the tip of his finger. He smiles. Slowly he takes the glass and runs it down his forearm. Blood pours from this wound. He winces, but continue to smile.
"It is time the world feels my pain. It is time that I am known. I am shattered much like this mirror. My soul has been torn from me. I am a fallen angel. It is time to make everyone suffer just as I. It is time for the rise of Kaos."
He turns to the wall and the red light goes away. A few moments pass and suddenly light floods the room. Kaos is no where to be found but as the camera spins around upon the wall. Blood drips from the writing, "On the wings of the Fallen, the apocalypse cometh......."In the distance you hear a scream.
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