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 The champ is here to stay! NYV#2

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

The champ is here to stay! NYV#2 Empty
PostSubject: The champ is here to stay! NYV#2   The champ is here to stay! NYV#2 EmptyNovember 16th 2006, 7:57 pm

[Bursts of snowy static fade in to a clear, resolute picture as the camera recording the following proceedings pans to the left. Starting on a grayish concrete wall, We see a shadow of a figure. There is very little light in the immediate area, a radiated glow from a shoty fluorescent light flickers in the room, allowing you to see a metal chair, turned slightly askew, looking towards the wall on the right. With good ol' Me sitting in that steel chair looking blankly at that same wall, my eyes narrowed, barely showing the pupil, I looked to be really focused, More then ever. In fact were not even sure if we have ever seen the man godess that is ME this focus for a title defense! It's been a few weeks since I won the US TITLE, So I'm setting in this room, alone, cut off from the rest of the world to clear my head. His faithful manager, Jada isn't even there! But don't get me wrong she only a few rooms down, but with her beauty who could control themself? So a dark room with no female around...Hell Now I now how Chris Blueballs feels!]

Stylez:: Trying something new could prevail to be costly, But if I don';t take this time to step out of the lime light My mind maybe wondering at the wrong time. I don't want anything to hold me back when the bell rings, Im going into NYV to show these fools just who is the best damn US Champion to ever grace the JWF!::

::There is something about the Darkness, that provides the right environment to cleanse the mind. But some fear the dark, But why? After all, isn't it just a change in the time of day? Isn't it just a change in the hue of things around you? What was it that made the large tree outside of your bedroom as a child? any worse at midnight then it was at noon?::

::But just because the Night isn't there doesn't mean the fear people may have just goes away it doesn't mean all the horrors of the world vanish. The sun won't stop a Spear from blasting your rib cage in to thousands of pieces... The sun won't stop a hater as Blueballs from tossing your ass off a stage...the sun won't stop predators from watching you in the park and following you home... being out in the middle of a crowded parking lot doesn't stop someone from snatching a child away from their parents when they're fumbling around, trying to put their keys in the car with groceries in their free hand::

::In fact, I think that people should be more afraid of the day? Don?t get it twisted, Im not going all Vampire on anyone, Heck that's Joe's role! But it gives a false sense of security... kind of like a goody-two-shoes former champion, a god-fearing wimp who wouldn't stab anyone in the back to win a match. A moral, upstanding citizen who wouldn't sell out his friends to turn a profit. A personal hero, who wouldn't compromise his beliefs so he could hold a title to make himself feel important or worth something. After all, isn't that the catch phrase that's always used on the news reports that turn out to be the most shocking? Oklahoma City, Columbine, Elizabeth Smart, O.J. Simpson, September 11th? It's always that people didn't expect that to happen to them... they didn't expect their neighbor to be a psychopathic kidnapper and killer... they didn't expect their family members to have those kinds of thoughts poking around in their head... they didn't think people were that Screwed up. They weren't prepared, They were to busy running away from the dark, instead of keeping there eyes open on what's in front of them! This is something I have come to learn::

[I smiled and chuckled a bit, after all his philosophy talk, now a days I cant tell if im a damn wrestler our a philosophy major... in all accounts it was as if I was thinking out load, and we were there to hang on every word I said! My smile grows as the fluorescent light begins to gain more power, the flashing bulb begins to stabilize and grow brighter and brighter until the room was light with light, and I was there setting on a fold up steel chair which stood on two legs, I exhaled the smoke from my cigar into the air of the room. Enough of the smart talk, lets get into some good ol' sherding!]

Stylez:: Folks...I hate to be the one to end your ambitious run for championship gold here in the JWF, I know you all thought that, hell, it'll be a fun little romp with some of your fellow wrestlers. You thought that with pretty much the US Title division has been nothing but a Joke, and You all would be dumb not to try to catch the Champion sleeping, and that you might even have a reasonable shot at winning this here title. I am sure that you most certainly didn't expect the likes of me to 'step down' a few notches and enter the ring with the likes of you all of yous... and on top of that, it would be just your freaking luck to face me in your quest to attain what is mine. I can only imagine the rush of emotions you all have running through your mind right now, shocked that I am even addressing you all in one promo? Anger that none of you couldn't get a straight shot at me, for my belt? afraid that one of us will be carried out of the ring on a stretcher while being force-fed oxygen? excited at the chance to show that you all might be able to match up against me? anxious and ready to start the match as soon as possible... all of those are emotions you all are probably feeling right now... and while I don't know exactly what is sifting through the cracks and crevices of the minds of VIP, JOE MAMA, EL GRINGO, AND BRICK... I do know that you all had better be feeling something gentlemen. So help me god you better say that you feel something, because if any of the words I hear out of your mouths are that you don't care... if you so much as utter that im some sort of Paper Champion.. then I will make it my personal mission to end your stint in our match as QUICKLY as possible. I won't freaking duck around with you you fools, I won't play rope a dope and let you think that you have a shot in hell of keeping me down for a three count... And you know why??::
::Someone that throws caution to the wind will get himself killed. It's a little something we like to call Darwinism. And don't think that I would be opposed to forcing a little Darwinism on your ass this coming NYV!::

[I let out a grunt, as you can hear the knuckles of my free hand cracking and popping ]

:: Stylez :: and don't misunderstand me VIP and Joe, I don't think any less of you because of your personalities.... what I'm trying to say is that I won't be underestimating you all in the ring this sunday. because I've been in your position before, thinking that you've got a couple of trump cards in your hands since you're the underdogs... you think people will be rooting for you two fools, that they'll be pulling for the big dog to go down and leave more playing room for True Stars!... well don't hold any hopes of catching me off guard this Sunday. I'm Mike Tyson in his prime! While you folks are Mike tyson current day!::

::Thus the whole sitting in a dark room deal. I may not respect any of you, and I may not like any of you...I may not like half the JWF Roster... in fact, with each word you will come to spew, you'll only make my skin crawl... but that doesn't mean that I won't overlook you all, that doesn't mean that I don't realize winning this match isn't possible until I beat all YOUR sorry asses.::

::I can't be stopped. There will never be something else like me. Blueballs couldn't do it all the times we faced...the former US CHAMOPION couldn't do it. Neither could anyone else!::

::What makes you four fucking chumps think you stand a chance?::

::There sits a fine line between people like myself and the rest of the N.X.O, and you four. There is a boundary that you will never make it over; a great wall keeping the wannabe's from the main draw's. What in the hell would ever make you think you could top my swagger? Have you not watched me over the past few weeks? I've beaten two men at once, hell I even won a ten man battle royal!::

::Let me guess Blueballs, you gonna sit on those few bitch attacks over me, like you accomplished something. I must've been pissy drunk to ever let you get one up on me... It's like saying a kitten could take a lion.::

::Go fuck yourself, you ain't the big cat.::

::Nah bra, there's a difference now. You have been hacking up that mid card, dropping matches to everyone I've walked over. You sit there and tell yourself you can beat me when were faced to face, when I can smell the urine already spreading over your pants.::

::Ah shit, bitch is scared.::

::You outta be, this in untouchable. Check out this flow, and teach yourself the basics again. Your game's been slacking, and it's only an opening for me. By the time Sunday is over, I will have pinned you and VIP and Joe Mama and El Gringo and Brick, and all that shit slipping from between those cocksuckers on all your faces, will be as meaningless as Blueballs career.::

::Fuck outta here, deadbets.::

::Brick...Oh, fuck yeah, if you wanna steal some more of my quotes, boss, why don't you try winning the big title and slap on a Legendary Status.::

::Always riding my fucking coat tails. Again Im the real fucking GOD!::

::Shit, who's that other bitches in the match. Ah fuck, now I remember, VIP AND JOEMAMA::


::Are you serious? God damn, I never knew this title would be so easy to keep. Hell I dont even know what I was worried bout, Hell who needs to lock themselves in a dark room, when your facing bitches like this! I'm surprised VIP could even hang with the US DIVISON. I can taste this win already. I can feel every muscle tightening up, knowing I'm about to smack the shit outta two more hoes. There has never been a more deserving time than this. And I already walked over our some of the JWF'S toughest challenges in. And that looked far tougher than it actually was. ::

::There is a reason why I'M here, A reason why I'm the US CHAMPION and there is a reason why I'll be surviving you four bitches. Check it out, read the bible, and put it all together. MY destiny was written a long time ago. I'm back on the throne, and ruling all that is mine.::

:: Joe mama, you stay worried bout actions that happened last monday...Hell I had my time trying to escape from the realities of life... but you can't run forever, you can't keep trying to out run the things that go bump in the night...Joe... those things never leave? they just hide. I learned that lesson the hard way and I'm not about to falter on my promise to be the champion I know I can be, I'm not about to slip up on account of some part-timer thinking he can coast through a match with me. I care about my matches any where else... and so I will do whatever it takes to win them...Hell you already lose with the talks bout not desevering to have this chance...Boy caught a case of foot in mouth dissorder!::

::Keep my damn name out your mouth! Don't want little missy to get hurt again now would we?!?::

::Enjoy your night in a fucking allyway...Its where you belong chump change! Remeber that when you want to throw out true alias...::

[I paused and turned my head, finally looking back at the lens of the camera, once again, this time with the light brightly on...No need for this mental display...when you already got the match won!]

Stylez:: Those are my terms? that's how I am? and that is what I will do in the ring come NYV when you all finally start this shit up. So, now that you know me Homeboys? now that you've seen what truly lies underneath the exterior shell of my body, the mentality, the will power, the determination, the drive, the commitment to excellence... maybe you can comment on my earlier statements, whether it's scarier to be ignorant and in the dark about things? or if the truth is more frightening then anything your imagination could have cooked up...::

::It doesn't matter, though...Because...the US CHAMPION...::


--End Feed---
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