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 The Best US champ...Nuff said

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

The Best US champ...Nuff said Empty
PostSubject: The Best US champ...Nuff said   The Best US champ...Nuff said EmptyNovember 22nd 2006, 3:34 pm

OOC: This Rp has some graphic words, and please be aware of that while reading...thanks...Also the words in pink, are the actions for Jada...just to help out with the confusion!

[I inhaled the drag of my cigarette while I continued to watch Salem blow me. She did a hell of a job, I must admit. I took in another long drag of the cigarette, and rested my head back on the head rest of the recliner. I slowly exhaled, listening to the sucking and slurping sounds coming from my lap. I looked down and watched her, as she met me with her eyes. I smiled at her, and pulled her face up.]

::Let's go to the bedroom. You want me to fuck you don't you?::

Salem: Do you even have to ask?

[I stood up, pulled up my pants, put out the cigarette in the ashtray and walked up the stairs; Salem closely following me. We got to the extra bedroom and I threw Salem on to the bed. She was naked besides a pair of black, lace booty shorts. I didn't like doing this to Jada, but for some reason I felt compelled to.]

Salem: Fuck me Johnny. Do it right now! I wanna feel you inside me.

[she moaned as I pulled down her panties.]

:Heh. You want it that bad eh::

Salem: Give it to me!

[she damanded as she wrapped her hands around the back of my head and pulled me in to kiss her. I inserted in to her, and thrusted in to her harder and harder with every stroke. I could hear her screaming with moans, and it made my body quiver with pleasure.]

[I continued to have my way with Salem. She moaned like the whore she was, screaming and clawing at my back. I felt my sanity slip. I knew I was going crazy, and just like the last time, I was trying to accept it. I continued to fuck the well-tanned Salem, this time from behind. I was going crazy, twice as hard as I normally would.]

::How does that fucking feel!?! You fucking like that bitch!?! Take it!!::

Salem: "Uhhh, give it to me. Harder. HARDER!! Fuck me Johnny, fuck me!!"

[I was loving this. I felt power over Salem. Power like I used to feel. I felt stronger than ever before. I realized I could have given two shits about Hannah right then. I was pounding away at a gorgeous broad that men would die to be with. And she begged for me!]

[Jada couldn't believe the day she was having; a huge smile was pasted to my face as I pulled Johnny's vehicle into the drive-way. I turned off the car and raised my sunglasses on top of my head. I looked down at my stomach and the smile grew even wider. I placed my right palm underneath my top and rested it on my bare, flat stomach. Inside there was a life, a wonderful little baby growing inside of me; a baby that Johnny and I created in the middle of one of our passionate love-making sessions. I couldn't wait to tell him, I had hoped in finding this out it might snap him out of whatever weird state he had sunk into.]

[I had found out earlier today that I was having a baby. Over the past few weeks I had been feeling sick but I didn't tell Johnny because he already appeared to have enough going on in his life. I decided I needed to go to a doctor, I left him sleeping that morning as my appointment was at nine-thirty. After a couple of tests the doctor happily informed me that I was four and a half weeks pregnant. He gravely told me though that because my blood pressure was high and it appeared I was under some serious stress that he wanted me to get lots of rest and relax as much as I could, any more stress could cause long-term effects for mine and Johnny's child.]

[Feeling that Johnny would be nothing more than thrilled, I got out of the vehicle but not before I grabbed a pink, white, and blue shopping bag that contained various things for a new born child. I couldn't help it, I loved children and wanted to get a head start on shopping for my own. I peeked inside of the bag which contained a white fleece lamb, a precious white baggy nightgown for a new born, and last of all a new born hat for the baby to wear when he or she came home from the hospital. I grinned brightly and stepped out of the vehicle. I walked inside of the house and placed my purse on the counter. Still clutching the bag from the baby store, I walked toward the upstairs figuring that Johnny might be taking a shower or just waking up.]

[I walked upstairs until I reached guest room, however my smile soon faded as I started to hear various sounds coming from the room. Hoping against hope that Johnny was watching pornography, I shakingly opened the door. He wasn't watching a movie though, he was fucking that whore that lived across the street from him. I couldn't move, I stood there in shock. I felt like I could throw up and I also felt my stress level rising unbelievably. He was cheating on me… It was something he promised he would never do. Tears began to come to my eyes as I began to shake with anger and sobs.]

Jada: Johnny what the fuck are you doing!?"

[I was shaking so much that I had to hold onto the doorway to keep from falling over. Hurt began to cloud my eyes and I knew when he looked into them he would see a woman who has just had her heart broken almost beyond repair.]

[I was in a funny situation right now. But the funniest thing was my lack of remorse. I felt no pain, nor did I feel bad for Jada. I should've felt like a monster at this point. I should have felt some sort of pain, some sort of pity for the woman I was in love with. But to be honest I didn't even feel the love anymore. I couldn't feel any sort of emotion anymore. I felt nothing. I was simply a body. A body with a brain and little emotion. I was completely empty. I was no longer human. I was immortal. I was an immortal God, that would walk forever.]

::Get the fuck out of here. Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?!?!::

[I looked at him with my mouth dropped open in complete shock, I felt as though I was hyper-ventilating. He didn't care about me anymore. I clutched the bag with the newly bought purchases for our baby and held it tightly against my chest. I turned quickly and ran to the nearest bathroom where I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and began throwing up. As soon as I was finished I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and sat back against the wall to the side of the toilet and continued to cry. I wrapped my arms around my knees and brought them up to my chest. My whole body was trembling with horrible emotions.]

[How could he have gone from such a wonderful and caring human being into that monster I had just seen. I didn't know what to feel and for a split second I wanted to die. I looked up at the bathroom counter and saw a bottle of sleeping pills. Now if I were to take enough of them surely I would slip into a very deep sleep, one that I might never come out of. I shakingly stood up and stumbled over to the bottle. I picked it up and looked at it. As I began to undo the lid, something stopped me, it was my conscience.]

[I knew my conscience was right, I couldn't do this. I loved this baby and hated myself for even contemplating killing it and myself. I decided I needed to calm down and figure something out. This man that was in that bedroom now was not the man I fell in love with and created this child with. I had a new priority and it wasn't Johnny. I set the bag of things down on the counter and took the outfit I bought for the baby as well as the hat. I held them to my chest and wiped my eyes with my sleeves. I found in myself a sort of strength I knew I had all along. I gently put the things back into the bag and grabbed it by the handles. I walked to the room where Johnny was and stood outside of it, waiting for him to get done so I could confront him. Whether he liked it or not I was not going to let him yell at me like that again without yelling right back at him.]

[I wasn't going to wait for him though, as soon as I got up enough guts I marched into the room and dropped the bag to the floor. Feeling a sense of anger and rage I never had before, I glared at the two of them as Salem was riding my boyfriend. Releasing an enraged sigh, I marched over to her and grabbed her hair on the back of her head and roughly pulled her off of him to the floor. She stares up at me in pain as I had ripped out hunks of her dark hair. I then thought about kicking her in the stomach but decided not to. I dropped the hunks at my side and glared at Johnny, clenching my fists.]

Jada: Get this home-wrecking bitch out of here now Johnny. And I mean now."

[I looked at him breathing heavily with anger and frustration.]

[I pushed Jada away, sending her a message. Hopefully she understood I wasn't done with the task at hand. I sure hope she'd understand or else I'd be fucking Salem in front of her. I pulled Salem back on to the bed and turned to Jada.]

::End the bullshit Jada. I'll be down when I'm done. Now get out of this room.::

::Now where were we?::

[I wasn't going to fight with him, for some reason I felt oddly calm. Of course I was hurting very badly but I needed to get out of the house. I knew I could stay with his friend Blake; Blake had always been so nice to me and had quickly become like the brother I never had. I walked over and picked up the bag of baby things. Sniffling exhaustedly, I turned to Johnny one last time as I made it to the door. In a very tired voice I began to speak to him.]

Jada: Don't even bother coming down because I won't be there. Until you hear differently, I'm staying with Blake…Also this day was going to be one filled with happiness because I was coming home to tell you that we're having a baby but obviously I don't matter to you anymore and I doubt this baby will either."

[I then turned quickly and walked out of the room, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder. I looked around the house one last time before walking out of the house. I wasn't going to take one of his cars, Blake lived maybe ten miles away but I didn't care. I was going to walk there. It would be at Blake's house I figured out what I was going to do. I had mine and Johnny child to think about now and that was what was most important to me.]

[Her words meant nothing to me at this moment, as I began to thrust in to Salem again. A baby. That thought would probably plague my thoughts. But I wasn't going to begin to ponder the possibility of it... yet.]

::Isn't it funny how I owned my best friend and the JWF Heavyweight champion, Last night. Hell He was my friend and I took good ol' Hot stuff to the limit and back, picture what Im gonna do to these two chumps Vertigo and Sniper!::

::Christ I damn near broke the jaw of VIP with a superkick this past Sunday. But still you continue to open that fat trap of yours. VIP you better stay in line this week, Our if not this could easily turn into a three on one match up...And you now what...::

::Ill Still come out on top!::

:: These Invasion chumps can't beat me.::

::Put it however you two Want Vertigo and Sniper, you are far inferior to me. It's funny how this game works though isn't it? You two along with the rest of the world will get a glimpse of who is the best US Champion in the history of the JWF! Come turkey day you two will just be the next two to get there ass kicking handed down from me. Don't you understand that I am the greatest to bless this ring? That I am the greatest you two will ever face!::

::Hell I could have caved in that fat fucking ego of you two with one hammer blow on VIP'S Show last night, but I didn't. Why you may ask. Because I'll save it for another time. The time when I'm wearign the Undisputed US title around my waist, and you two are back down in the jobber division. Christ you might as well jump back to whatever piss poor federation you two are from. That way I can teach you a thing or two about being successful.::

::I am a King. I am a Saint.::

::Everyone knows going into our match that I am going to dominate. And that is exactly what will happen. You two can't finish me off and you two never will. You'll never be on the level of superstardom I stand at. Why? You two don't have the ability. Sure you fuck nuts can train twice as hard. Work twice as hard. But still, at the end, you'll fuck nuts never be at this plateau. You can talk your trash, and build yourself up to this great Stylez-stomping, superstars. But you two aren't. Never will be. You'll be that coawrd, that "paper champion". You can't cut it main eventing where I was born to lead a show!::

::The Invasion has just started and these two yahoo's are talking like the big dogs right? there acting like he they are amazing now. Amazing, just like how they coward out from talking shit to me, right? Or these clowns talking like they are the best US Champion in the history of this game, Funny how ti works out eh? they had no ideas of calling themselves Kings, or Gods, yet once I do it, it sets a trend like a wild fire. You faggots are stealing my own shit to get yourself over. Im the BEST CHAMPION...NUFF SAID!::

::Sniper, Vertigo your both bitches.::

You two aren't the best Us champions! You're nothing more then a fucking joke. You're talentless, yet you'll still receive a undisputed title matches! You two don't understand though, you two won't win. How could yous? You're two fucking awful, and talentless. Just like most of the guys here. Saying the same shit over and over and over. And now you all think you are deserved a title shot. Vertigo...Sniper...VIP...::

::Fuck off.::

::I have to admit though, it gives me a good laugh when I see you two flapping your gums last night, When you know it's safe to say something about Johnny Stylez, then you talk your trash. I've heard it all. Every fucking one of you. Jealous? You should be. Everyone knwos I'm the UNDISPUTED US CHAMPION Or atleast WILL be. I'm so sick of you two Invasion, veteran faggots thinkign you deserve a shot for seniority. Or becuase of your Invasion gimmicks!::

::Face it you're all a bunch of pussies. Running with the big dogs!::

::After this turkey day I'm calling out each and every one of you in this invasion! No one is left out. FUCK YOU ALL!::

::I'm the King here in the JWF. Sniper, Vertigo you are more than welcome to fight me for my title. You two couldn't beat me even if It was a handicapp match, you two never will be able to beat the best thing to ever step into a ring.::

::Paper champ! tahts all every champion is in the Invasion!::

::Who are you going to rely on? Sniper? Vertigo? I'm better than everyone one of you. I'll put on some mass, and come in and take that US title of yours. I mean really...::

::Who the fuck will stop me?::

::Exactly, NO ONE.::

::Becuase the JWF US CHAMPION never looked soooooooooooooooooo good!::
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